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Table of Contents3. Global Travel Trends4. North America Travel Trends9. Latin America Travel Trends14. Europe Travel Trends 19. Middle East and Africa Travel Trends 24. Asia-Pacifc Travel Trends 29. Glossary and Methodology With more than a decade of expertise analyzingthe complete traveler path to purchase, Sojerndrives travelers from dream to destination. Thecompany recently celebrated delivering $13Bin direct bookings for its clients by activatingbranding and performance advertising on theSojern Traveler Platform. Each quarter, Sojern analyzes travel behavior in North America, Latin America, Europe, theMiddle East and Africa, and Asia-Pacifc to revealshifting consumer preferences and offer insightsto help marketers drive bookings and build brandloyalty with ever-increasing precision. Interested in working with Sojern to reach,engage, and convert travel audiences Connect with us today. GLOBAL TRAVEL INSIGHTS: ISSUE 3, 2018 2WWW.SOJERN/CONTACT USJuneMayApril SEARCHEDBOOKEDShare of Q2 2018 Search and Booking Volumes by Month 34%35%35%36%31%30% Top Countries Searched and Booked France Germany Greece Italy Mexico Netherlands Portugal Spain Switzerland Thailand United Kingdom United States SEARCHEDBOOKEDBOTH Global Travel Trends What were the outbound global trends for the quarter GLOBAL TRAVEL INSIGHTS: ISSUE 3, 2018 3WWW.SOJERN/CONTACT US4WWW.SOJERN/SOLUTIONS@SOJERN Looking Back We looked at travel planning for the region during April, May, and June to see travel search behavior as travelers endedthe school year and prepared for the summer. Highlights include: 80% of North American travelers searched for trips of seven days or less—enjoying short trips for the frst ofsummer holidays.51% of travel searches were done at least one month in advance—North American travelers were early planners in Q2. 28% of Q2 travel searches came from mobile—highlighting an opportunity for travel marketers to get in front ofplanners on their mobile devices. Looking Forward As Summer vacation heats up, travelers are focused on planning trips with their family and friends. To see how travel isshaping up for Q3 2018, we looked at searches for July, August, and September. Highlights include:One in three travel searches in September are for groups of two—highlighting an opportunity for marketers to targetcouples-based activities.82% of short haul travelers are searching for trips of seven days or less—travelers are looking to enjoy short trips aswe move into the fall.North America Travel TrendsLooking Back and Forward for the Whole Picture GLOBAL TRAVEL INSIGHTS: ISSUE 3, 2018 4WWW.SOJERN/CONTACT US 。。。。。。

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