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Contents Welcome letter 01 Passenger attitudes Bringing back loyal passengers 02 Infight internet availability 04 Staying connected to life on the ground05 Going beyond browsing06 Expectations for device usage10 Seatbacks aren’t going anywhere 11 Multi-tasking14 Who is traveling today Gen Z 16 Millennials17 Gen X 18 Baby Boomers 19 Silent Generation 20 A global snapshot Asia22 Australia23 Europe24 Latin America25 North America 26 Research methodology27 About Gogo28 2018 Gogo LLC 01 GLOBAL TRAVELER 2018 Gogo LLC.Dear Airline Professional, Every day, in every corner of the world, aviation professionals spend countless hours thinking of new ways to carve out market share in an increasingly competitive industry where passengers demonstrate less brand loyalty than ever before. At Gogo, we’re here to help you keep pace with traveler expectations andpreferences around infight internet—a vital and growing consideration inthe overall passenger experience offering. Today, a full 30% of air travelersconsider internet availability to be important when booking a fight. The 2018 Gogo Global Traveler Research Study explores the changingbehaviors of airline passengers across the world. The study has beensignifcantly expanded since last year and now includes data gatheredfrom more than 9,000 air travelers in 18 countries across the globe. The study is comprised of three sections. First, we look at air travelerattitudes and aspirations around infight connectivity, internet availabilityand device preferences. Next, we dig deeper into the fve key passengergenerations traveling today. Finally, we take a snapshot of fve regionsto highlight any nuances that may impact the passenger experience. The Gogo team knows what it’s like to be immersed in the world of theair traveler. Our focus every day is to improve the passenger experiencethrough high-quality infight internet. Ultimately, our goal with this studyis to provide you with both useful data and educated insights that mayspark a key learning or a new way to think about your business and yourcustomers—all so you can create an infight internet experience thatmeets the rapidly changing expectations of today’s tech-savvy travelers. Alyssa Hayes Director Global Insights Aaron Bullock Manager Global Insights LIFT NOTE Throughout the study,you'll fnd our personalinsights on the data andideas on how to leverageit for your airline. 02 GLOBAL TRAVELER 2018 Gogo LLC.THE CHALLENGE TODAY How do airlinesbring backpassengers Creating and sustaining a loyalpassenger base has neverbeen a simple endeavor. Today,the data suggests it’s morechallenging than ever to keeppassengers coming backLast year, 85% of global travelersreported that they had a preferredairline. One year later, thenumber has decreased to 81%.In addition, 53% of today'stravelers do not have a frequentfyer membership. That's 9%fewer frequent fyer membersthan the previous year. More thanhalf (57%) of global travelers giveALL airlines equal considerationwhen booking a fight, despitethe rewards they might earn. There are many reasons for thiserosion in passenger loyalty Consider the proliferation of carriersall vying for the same travelers.Or the rising infuence of socialmedia, where buying decisions canbe infuenced on an hourly basis.Making things more diffcult forairlines is the fact that the twomost important criteria travelerscite for choosing a fight—priceand convenient schedule—are coreto the business strategy, and noteasily changed without signifcantbottom-line and operational impact. Airlines must look at new waysto build loyalty beyond priceand schedule. The changingexpectations of today’s passengerscreates new opportunities forairlines to anticipate and delivernew experiences and amenities,including infight internet. 。。。。。。

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