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政府组织 技术报告

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Table of Contents About the Report About the Survey Respondents NGOs WORLDWIDE Web and Email Communications Online Fundraising Social Media Mobile Technology Data Management & Security NGO Technology Efectiveness Ratings DATA SHEETSNGO Technology in Africa NGO Technology in Asia NGO Technology in Australia & Oceania NGO Technology in Europe NGO Technology in North America NGO Technology in South America NGO Technology Benchmarks for Success About the Report 5,352 NGOs164 COUNTRIES6 CONTINENTS The Global NGO Technology Report (techreport.ngo) is an annual research project thatseeks to gain a better understanding of how non-governmental organizations (NGOs)use technology. Sponsored by the Public Interest Registry and researched by NonproftTech for Good, the report summarizes how NGOs use web and email communications,online fundraising tools, social media, mobile technology, and data management andsecurity software.Now in its third edition, the primary goal of this year’s report is to provide an updated setof technology benchmarks for NGOs worldwide. In the beginning of the report, the surveydata is averaged globally, but due to regional disparities in Internet access and infrastructure,the report subsequently presents the survey data by continent. The Global NGO Technology Report is a sister report to the Global Trends in Giving Report (givingreport.ngo). The fndings from both reports are meant to help NGOsdetermine if they are efectively using technology to inspire philanthropy and achievetheir mission and programs. METHODOLOGY The 2018 Global NGO Technology Report is based upon the survey results of 5,352 NGOsworldwide. The survey was promoted online from August 1, 2017 through October 31,2017 and to reach a global audience, the survey was published in Arabic, English, French,Portuguese, and Spanish. Due to the methodology used, it’s important to note that theresults only represent the views of respondents that (1) read Arabic, English, French,Portuguese, or Spanish; (2) have access to the Internet; and (3) use email and/or socialmedia. Each year as more NGOs worldwide participate in the survey, the report becomesmore accurate in its fndings and useful to the NGO community. Al Qasimi Foundation CONCORD Europe iWith Tech Trust Arab Foundations Forum Estudio de Impacto Museu da Pessoa TechSoup Canada Blackbaud Institute Greater Public Nigeria Network of NGOs TechSoup Kenya CIVICUS Infoxchange Philanthropy Circuit SPONSORED BYPublic Interest Registry PIR Based in Reston, VA, the Public Interest Registryis a non-proft organization created by theInternet Society in 2003 to manage the domain. In 2015, PIR launched the .NGO and.ONG domains to better serve the NGO sector. RESEARCH BYNonproft Tech for Good NPTECHFORGOOD With nearly 100,000 monthly visitors andmore than one million followers on socialnetworks, Nonproft Tech for Good is a leadingonline fundraising and social media blog fornonproft professionals worldwide. OUR PARTNERSHIP MODEL Our partnership model is simple and innovative: in exchange for promoting the survey to NGOs in theircountry or region, our partners receive the anonymized data and a corresponding infographic for theircountry. The majority of NGO technology research is based on data from NGOs located in developedcountries. Through partnerships, we’re able to increase the participation of NGOs also located indeveloping and emerging nations thus providing a more diverse, balanced understanding of how NGOsworldwide use technology. 2018 PARTNERS 。。。。。。

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