The Ad-Tech landscapeThe Art & Science of Conversion The Secrets to Re-Engagement Since AT&T debuted a campaign with the very irst banner ad in 1994, theworld of advertising has never been the same. With the advent of advertisingtechnology, new channels and devices started to ofer diferent ways foradvertisers to connect with customers.From the pop-up-happy 90s to Google’s debut in 1998 and Facebook’slaunch in 2004, there has been one clear direction for ad-tech:personalization. But how are advertisers working toward that direction Andwhat is the state of ad-tech going to be in 2019 and beyondIn this report, we’ll be diving into exclusive research indings from our workwith research irm Euromonitor International on our survey, “Acquire, Convert,Re-engage.” We spoke with 901 marketers around the globe about how theyconvert customers today - and what works best.. Read on to discover: 1 2 3 Executive Summary and Intro4The Ad Platform for the Open InternetToday, more than 3.5 billion people are regular Internetusers. Online is now the second largest and fastest growingad spend channel in the world, accounting for 34% of totalad spend in 2017. Soon, it will overtake global ad spend onTV.Our research projects that by 2022, there will be 4.66 billioninternet users in the world and 56% will have two or moreconnected devices. The world is digital. The majority of people will have multipledevices. So you’d think it would be easy for advertisers toreach their target consumers. But ad-tech has never beenmore complicated. Here’s what we see for the top 2019 ad- tech trends:1234 More Ecommerce Companies Become Ad Companies. Transparency, Transparency, Transparency. Ads Won’t Advertise, They’ll Tell Stories.1 2 3 The Current Ad-Tech Landscape Ecommerce giant Alibaba is often referred to as an ad company, insteadof an ecommerce company. That’s because 60% of the company’s revenueactually comes from ads, not the products sold. Amazon’s ad business isgrowing massively – with expected growth of 55% in 2019 alone, accordingto J.P. Morgan. In 2019, ecommerce companies will continue to rethink how brandpartnerships and product placements work together. CPM will take a frontseat next year. Through sophisticated technology, it’s possible to maximizerevenue from all the visitors to an ecommerce website, even if they don’tbuy – as long as retailers can show brands that those impressions arevaluable. More Ecommerce Companies Become Ad Companies.1 1234 Top 2019 Ad-Tech Trends THE CURRENT AD-TECH LANDSCAPE。。。。。。