U.S. Energy Information Administration | Monthly Biodiesel Production Report
This report was prepared by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the statistical and
analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. By law, EIA’s data, analyses, and forecasts are
independent of approval by any other officer or employee of the United States Government. The views
in this report therefore should not be construed as representing those of the Department of Energy or
other Federal agencies.
June 2018
U.S. Energy Information Administration | Monthly Biodiesel Production Report
Biodiesel Highlights and Background, Data for April 2018
Production – U.S. production of biodiesel was 140 million gallons in April 2018. Biodiesel
production during April 2018 was 7 million gallons lower than production in March 2018 .
Biodiesel production from the Midwest region (Petroleum Administration for Defense District 2)
accounted for 67 percent of the United States total. Production came from 95 biodiesel plants
with capacity of 2.4 billion gallons per year.
Sales – Producer sales of biodiesel during April 2018 included 57 million gallons sold as B100
(100% biodiesel) and an additional 86 million gallons of B100 sold in biodiesel blends with
diesel fuel derived from petroleum.
Feedstocks – There were a total of 1,078 million pounds of feedstocks used to produce
biodiesel in April 2018. Soybean oil remained the largest biodiesel feedstock during April 2018
with 520 million pounds consumed.
The Monthly Biodiesel Production Report provides data on operations of the U.S. biodiesel
industry as part of EIA's response to section 1508 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 which
directed EIA to publish information on renewable fuels including biodiesel.Data are provided
for the U.S. and in selected cases by state and region.
The source of data is Form EIA-22M Monthly Biodiesel Production Survey, used to collect the
following information from registered producers of biodiesel.
plant location, operating status, and annual production capacity
production of 100% biodiesel (B100)
biodiesel coproduct production
feedstock, alcohol input, and catalysts used in biodiesel production
sales of B100 and blended biodiesel from producing plants
sales of biodiesel to end-users
Form EIA-22M provides data necessary to monitor growth of the biodiesel industry in order to
allow Congress to assess whether objectives of Section 503 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992
and Section 1508 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 are being achieved.
Table 1.U.S. Biodiesel production capacity and production
million gallons
PeriodAnnual Production CapacityMonthly B100 Production
January 2,270 105
February 2,270 105
March 2,299 121
April 2,290 120
May 2,275 135
June 2,275 135
July 2,275 140
August 2,275 142
September 2,279 135
October 2,312 144
November 2,312 143
December 2,316 144
Total --1,569
January 2,316 93
February 2,316 94
March 2,362 116
April 2,328 127
May2,329 136
June2,329 140
July 2,330 150
August2,321 149
September 2,350 147
October 2,357 148
November 2,417 148
December2,401 148
Total --1,596
January 2,415 124
February 2,416 126
March2,414 147
April 2,433 140
4 Month Total -- 537
2017 4 Month Total -- 430
2016 4 Month Total -- 451
-- = Not Applicable
R = Revised
Totals may not equal the sum of components due to independent rounding.
B100 is the industry designation for pure biodiesel; a biodiesel blend contains both pure biodiesel and petroleum
diesel fuel.
Source:U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-22M Monthly Biodiesel Production Survey
U.S. Energy Information Administration | Monthly Biodiesel Production Report。。。