A Global Ranking of the Most
Chosen Consumer Brands
10Brand Footprint Global Ranking Top 50
12 Fastest Growing FMCG Brands
14Brand Leaders Speak
16Number 1 Brand by Country
20 Category Focus
28Regions at a Glance
36Future Trends
41Beyond the Print
42Index of Brands
2015 in FMCG
Key highlights from this year's report
Fundamentals of Brand Growth
How do brands grow Four key statements
that offer guidance to todayˉs marketers
Brand Growth in Practice
Five strategic levers that have the
greatest impact on brand growth
Channel Hopping
Global brands have to execute shopper plans in
a local way
Brand Footprint, a global study of
winning brands in the FMCG space,
offers readers a fresh perspective
and the chance to look beyond
conventional wisdom to new
This edition ¨C its fourth ¨C paints a
comprehensive picture of brand growth
over the past year, identifying the
strategic levers that brands can pull in
order to attract more buyers.
A powerful component of WPPˉs and
Kantarˉs portfolio of reports, Brand
Footprint is grounded frmly in the reality
of FMCG commerce: real choices by real
people in real markets across the world.
Sir Martin Sorrell
Founder and CEO, WPP
ContinentsShopper decisions
What can we learn from brands winning at the moment of truth
by Sir Martin Sorrell
Brand Footprint: Inspiring brand growth
This yearˉs Brand Footprint builds
on the simple rule that growth
is all about penetration, and
demonstrates how brands have
grown against a challenging
economic backdrop.
Penetration is at the core of Kantar
Worldpanelˉs exclusive Consumer Reach
Point metric, allowing us to rank the
best of global and local brands by that
most important of things ¨C how ofen
they are chosen by consumers.
Every year at Kantar Worldpanel we
conduct the most exhaustive study
of FMCG brands across the globe,
identifying the key elements that drive
growth. Brand Footprint casts a light
on this, giving marketers, brands and
agencies a solid basis on which to
make business decisions that will lead
to success.
2015 taught us emphatically that
uncertainty will continue to reign,
but with astute marketing the best
FMCG brands will fnd a way to grow.
The global economy has continued
to struggle, expansion slowed in
China, Europe teetered on the verge of
recession, and tensions in the Middle
East showed no signs of release.
This yearˉs study is the biggest
yet ¨C covering 15,000 brands, 200
categories, 44 countries and fve
continents, representing 74% of the
global population.
Brand Footprint now commands
a larger global footprint than ever
before. Thanks to our Europanel
partnership, Kantar Worldpanel is