Connected cars.
Disconnected owners.
Four opportunities
to engage drivers.
leading car brandscountriesinsightful study
The billion-dollar question
Auto brands have invested and continue
to spend billions developing connected
car features in an attempt to gain
competitive advantage. But is this money
well spent Is the investment paying of
That’s a question we wanted to answer.
Turning insights into opportunity
We conducted a new study to explore the
attitudes and purchase behaviour of more
than 8,500 connected car owners across
Europe, North America and China.
What we discovered was both a startling
picture of consumer indiference and a
huge opportunity for growth.
Failed connection
of connected car ownersdon’t even know
that the featuresthey have mean it is
classed as a connected car.
We uncovered a sizeable disconnect
between connected car owners and the
benefts of using the technology. Many
were unaware of its existence. Others
didn’t trust it, while a signifcantnumber
failed to see how it could beneft their
everyday lives. We discovered remarkably
diferent attitudes and results in China.
Real-world opportunity
We identifed the need to relate
connected car technology from the digital
world into the lives of consumers in the
real-world at key moments in the driving
experience. ‘How does it work and how
will it beneft me’ are the questions auto
brands must answer.
There are four key areas
manufacturers should
be addressing to engage
drivers with the tech in
the cars they make.
It’s a great opportunity to gain
competitive advantage by being
among the frst to rectify an
industry-wide weakness.