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现在中国 CRO 市场正处于蓬勃发展的阶段,因此开始从事 CRO 业务的企业越来
越多。由于欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内竞争企业越来越多,因此 W 医药公司中人才流动性越来越大,也
因此,人才对于 W 医药公司至关重要,如何留住人才,稳定人才,爱惜人才成为企
关键词: 人才稳定;激励;企业文化;医药研发外包公司III
Contract Research Organization (CRO) was developed in the United States in 1970s.
After 80s, the United States, Europe and Japan developed rapidly. Because new drug
research and development takes huge money with high-risk long cycle. In this case, many
pharmaceutical enterprises to establish a strategic partnership with the strength of the CRO
Company, will outsource certain aspects of drug development in order to save costs, reduce
the complexity of the decomposition of R & D activities, and shorten the development
As China&39;s CRO market has entered a stage of vigorous development, so more and
more enterprises engaged in CRO business. As more and more enterprises compete in the
industry, the mobility of talents in CRO enterprises is becoming larger and larger, and it
also has an impact on enterprises. Talent is the key to mastering the technology, and
technology is the core of the pharmaceutical enterprise. Therefore, talents are of vital
importance to W Pharmaceutical R & D company. How to retain talents, stabilize talents
and cherish talents becomes one of the most important subjects for enterprises to study.
This article is in this background, on the basis of the existing comprehensive
compensation management, incentive theory, company culture theory, and combined with
the W Pharmaceutical R & D outsourcing company status and talent situation, the causes
of brain drain of W company are analyzed, and puts forward some suggestions and
measures for the company personnel stability. Meanwhile, we hope to provide some ideas
and methods for the study of talents in domestic pharmaceutical R & D enterprises.
关键词:Talent stability;Motivation;Enterprise Culture;Contract Research Organization目录
致谢........ I
Abstract III
第 1 章 绪论......1
1.1 研究背景和意义..........1
1.1.1 研究背景..1
1.1.2 研究意义..3
1.2 国内外研究综述..........4
1.2.1 国外研究综述......4
1.2.2 国内研究综述......5
1.3 研究内容与方法..........7
1.3.1 研究内容..7
1.3.2 研究方法..7
1.4 本文创新点......9
第 2 章 理论基础........10
2.1 激励理论........10
2.1.1 马斯洛的需求层次理论10
2.1.2 赫茨伯格双因素理论.... 11
2.2 全面薪酬管理理论....12
2.3 企业文化理论13
第 3 章 W 医药研发外包公司介绍和经营环境分析...........16
3.1 W 医药研发外包公司介绍....16
3.1.1 公司介绍16
3.1.2 公司组织架构图16
3.2 宏观环境分析17
3.2.1 政策环境分析....17
3.2.2 经济环境分析....18
3.2.3 社会环境分析....203.2.4 科技环境分析....23
3.3 竞争对手分析25
第 4 章 W 医药研发外包公司人才流失情况及其原因.......27
4.1 W 医药研发外包公司人才流失情况27
4.1.1 公司人力资源状况........27
4.1.2 公司人才流失特点........28
4.1.3 W 公司人才流失对企业造成的影响....30
4.2 W 医药研发外包公司人才流失原因31
4.2.1 人才培养和激励计划不够健全..........
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