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JZ 烟草公司的主题是加快发展,战略上的重要任务是扩大总量,希望通过
依据我国发展的实情,分析 JZ 烟草公司内部和外部的环境,找出如今烟草物流
上存在的问题,运用 PEST 分析法、SWOT 矩阵等分析工具,为烟草物流制定发
Since China has become a member of WTO, tobacco monopoly system has
been reformed, the system is more relaxed in the direction of development, so China&39;s
tobacco market also began to face more and more challenges and competition. To
make the tobacco industry to a rapid and healthy development of the situation, make
our country into a stand in the East tobacco power, related to modern logistics mode
in tobacco companies to form a system, the cigarette sales channels to become more
widespread and clear, let the company to effectively strengthen the competitiveness,
in order to make the cigarette market of our country has a better development.
JZ tobacco companies&39;s theme is to accelerate the development of an important
task is to expand the total amount of the hope that through the cigarette on the level to
improve the final total sales, to maintain sales continued to rise. But there are still
some problems, that is, the management is not appropriate, the company&39;s
development is not balanced around the market, the logistics foundation is not enough,
the future development is still facing a lot of obstacles.
In this paper, based on the theory of enterprise development strategy, combined
with foreign tobacco logistics development experience, based on the facts of China&39;s
development, analysis of JZ tobacco companies internal and external environment,
find out the problems now exist in tobacco logistics, with some analysis methods and
analysis tools, specific countermeasures are formulated, namely vertical integration
the internal logistics development strategy, enterprise resource integration, improve
the level of organization, logistics level and work standard, combined with the
tobacco industry, finally let the logistics integration, the level of logistics cost and the
level of competition, companies have been optimized. In the end, it is concluded that
the strategy of ensuring the implementation of the strategy, from the fundamental
level of service and logistics management to improve, so that the bottleneck of theIII
development of tobacco companies to get a breakthrough, so as to further develop in
the direction of.
Key words:tobacco companies; modern logistics; development strategy;IV
目 录
1 绪论....1
1.1 选题背景....1
1.2 研究意义....2
1.3 国内外文献研究分析.........3
1.3.1 国外研究现状....3
1.3.2 国内研究现状....4
1.3.3 研究评述与总结6
2 相关概念及理论综述8
2.1 相关概念的界定....8
2.1.1 烟草商业企业....8
2.1.2 现代物流8
2.1.3 战略........8
2.2 供应链管理理论....9
2.2.1 供应链管理的概念........9
2.2.2 供应链管理的特点......10
2.2.3 供应链管理的意义......10
2.3 相关分析方法与工具......11
2.3.1 PEST 分析法.....11
2.3.2 SWOT 分析法.....13
3 JZ 烟草公司发展现代物流的内外部环境分析.....14
3.1 JZ 烟草公司概况.14
3.2 JZ 烟草公司发展现代物流的外部环境分析.....15
3.2.1 政治要素分析..15
3.2.2 经济要素分析..16V
3.2.3 社会要素分析..16
3.2.4 技术要素分析..17
3.3 JZ 烟草公司发展现代物流的内部环境分析.....18
3.3.1 JZ 烟草公司的物流模式.........18
3.3.2 物流相关部门的组织架构.......19
3.3.3 物流相关指标情况.......20
4 JZ 烟草公司发展现代物流的战略制定与分析.....23
4.1 JZ 烟草企业发展现代物流的 SWOT 分析...........24
4.1.1 优势分析...........
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