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绩效评价的影响后,使用 Yaron 绩效评估方法,确定金华银行科技风险池贷款业
Under the leadership of the government, the Bank of Jinhua has fully
participated in the scientific and technological credit loans for small and micro
technology-based enterprises. Although the science and technology risk pool has the
government investment support, and has the insurance company&39;s payment, but
because of the small and micro enterprise development uncertainty, the Jinhua bank
still needs to take certain risk in the related loan. This article is in this context, the
study on technology risk pool of Jinhua bank loan business model of performance
evaluation and countermeasure analysis, Jinhua banks use loan risk pool to the main
mode of small and micro technology enterprises loans and loan performance, put
forward different mode existing problems and improvement strategies.
Study on the introduction of the Bank of Jinhua and bank lending policies, the
main business content, clear technology risk pool goals and processing conditions,
analysis of internal and external environment for science and technology risk pool in
Jinhua bank loan business performance evaluation, Yaron performance evaluation
method, determine the performance evaluation index of technology risk pool Jinhua
bank loan business, complete the index, according to the current situation of Jinhua
science and technology risk pool of bank loans, to determine the performance
evaluation method of the loan business, the performance evaluation system of the
construction of science and technology risk pool loan business loan business
evaluation. According to the evaluation results, put forward to perfect the loan
business model, technology risk pool of bad loans, strengthen efforts to improve the
internal governance structure to improve the method of technology risk pool Jinhua
bank loan business performance.
Key words: bank performance; loan performance; technology risk pool; Bank of
Jinhua金华银行科技风险池贷款业务模式的机制优势与绩效评价研究目 录
1 绪论.....5
1.1 研究背景.........5
1.2 研究意义.........5
1.3 文献综述.........6
1.3.1 国内文献综述...6
1.3.2 国外文献综述...7
1.4 创新与不足.....8
1.5 研究内容.........9
2. 中小企业融资理论基础....10
2.1 中小企业成长理论...10
2.2 信息不对称理论.......11
2.3 博弈理论.......11
3.1 金华银行及其贷款政策.......13
3.1.1 金华银行发展历程....13
3.1.2 金华银行贷款政策....15
3.2 金华银行科技风险池贷款业务模式...........17
3.2.3 “科技风险池贷款业务”现阶段办理情况18
4.金华银行科技风险池贷款业务模式的机制优势——基于博弈分析..... 16
4.1 信贷融资中的信息不对称....19
4.2 银行一企业博弈分析19
4.3 引入科技资金池业务的博弈模型分析........20
4.3.1 相关假设.........21
4.3.2 模型的构建.....21
4.3.3 模型的分析.....22
4.3.4 优势体现.........23
5.1 科技风险池贷款业务绩效评价体系25工商管理硕士专业学位论文5.1.1 经济性评价.....25
5.1.2 效率性评价.....25
5.1.3 综合评价.........25
5.2 金华银行科技风险池贷款业务评价分析...26
6 完善金华银行科技风险池贷款业务运行中的制约因素及对策. 28
6.1 金华科技风险池贷款业务模式发展制约因素........28
6.1.1 外部因素.........28
6.1.2 内部环境因素.29
6.2 完善金华科技风险池贷款业务模式的对策29
6.2.1 加大对于不良贷款的清收力度.........29
6.2.2 完善内部治理结构.....30
6.2.3 建立有效的监督机制....
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