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融业务发展方面处于欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司领先水平的 ZS 银行作为研究对象具有较强的现实意义。本
文综合运用了文献归纳法、PEST 分析、五力模型、SWOT 分析等分析方法,从金融
从网络金融、移动金融、远程金融、智慧金融四大领域对 ZS 银行互联网金融业务发
方面对宏观环境进行了 PEST 分析;对产业环境从产业内现有企业的竞争等五个方面
进行了五力模型分析;在分析的基础上对 ZS 银行发展互联网金融业务的内部优劣势
及外部机遇和挑战进行了总结;随后构建 SWOT 分析矩阵,在此基础上总结出“积
风控水平”等适合 ZS 银行互联网金融业务发展的策略,对 ZS 银行互联网金融领域
关键词:互联网金融;ZS 银行;SWOT 分析山东理工大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRCT
In recent years, the internet has accelerated its penetration and integration into various
industries and areas, which provides a broad space for the development of Internet Finance
business. The expansion to Internet Finance business of large numbers of internet
companies has a great impact on traditional financial industry, especially to the commercial
banks. The major banks are trying to realize breakthrough by launching class balance
products, improving the online banking and mobile banking and building up their own
business platforms, accelerating the development of digital and network of banking
business. Moreover, China is constantly practicingInclusive Finance concept, how to
deal with the opportunities and challenges brought by Inclusive Finance and how to
achieve long tail effect is great important to commercial banks.
The development of Internet Finance business has become a trend to commercial
banks, in the light of this, the author takes ZS bank as an example because it plays the
leading role in the growth of Internet Finance business. This paper utilizes a variety of
analysis methods such as PEST analysis, Michael Porter&39;s Five Forces, and SWOT analysis,
it also summarizes the domestic and foreign research from the perspectives of financial
model, financial intermediary, the business risk and supervision of Internet Finance; it
analyzed current development situation of ZS bank’s Internet Finance business from four
areas: online finance, mobile finance, remote finance and smart finance; PEST analysis
focuses on four macro environment aspects including political and legal environment,
economic environment, social and cultural environment and technical environment; and
then it analyzed the competition components and other forces in this industry; on the basis
of SWOT analysis, the author comes up with the following strategy: active establishment
of customers, systems, products, trinity of the online supply chain financing system,
innovative big data analysis to enhance the ability to control risk and others methods that
fits in with ZS Bank, which will make a certain significance to the development of ZS
Bank&39;s Internet Finance business.
Keywords:Internet Finance; ZS Bank; SWOTAnalysis山东理工大学硕士学位论文 目录
目 录
目 录..III
第一章 引言....1
1.1 研究背景及意义..........1
1.2 文献综述..........1
1.2.1 国外文献综述.....1
1.2.2 国内文献综述.....3
1.3 研究内容与研究方法..4
1.3.1 研究内容.4
1.3.2 研究方法.5
第二章 互联网金融相关理论6
2.1 互联网金融的内涵......6
2.1.1 互联网金融概念.6
2.1.2 互联网金融特征.6
2.2 长尾理论..........7
2.3 平台经济理论..8
2.4 普惠金融理论..9
第三章 ZS 银行发展互联网金融业务环境分析.....10
3.1 ZS 银行互联网金融业务发展现状及不足...10
3.1.1 ZS 银行概况.....10
3.1.2 ZS 银行互联网金融业务发展现状.....10
3.1.3 ZS 银行互联网金融业务发展存在的不足.....13
3.2 宏观环境分析13
3.2.1 政治和法律环境分析...13
3.2.2 经济环境分析...14
3.2.3 社会和文化环境分析...16
3.2.4 技术环境分析...17
3.3 产业环境分析18
3.3.1 产业内现有企业的竞争
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