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本文选取的研究对象 M 公司,已有 50 年的发展历史,是中车集团旗下重
来,国家宏观经济进入“新常态”,铁路企业利润被进一步压缩,经营业绩中车 M 公司战略预算管理体系优化设计出现了不小的下滑。严峻的市场形势倒逼中车集团内部各公司不断创新企业
公司现有预算管理体系中存在的不足日益显现,对 M 公司有效实现战略目标
的保障作用有限,因此,为了实现战略发展,M 公司必须要对现有的预算管理
本文的主要研究方法为案例法,以中车 M 公司为研究对象。本文首先对
介绍了 M 公司及其预算管理现状,结合战略预算管理理论,对公司现行预算
为后文展开提供了现实依据。再次,论文以中车 M 公司的总体战略为切入点,
提出了中车 M 公司战略预算管理体系的建立思路和原则,明确了对中车 M 公
本文通过对围绕中车 M 公司战略与经营实际的预算管理进行案例研究,
将战略预算管理体系应用到中车 M 公司的管理实践中,实现预算管理与战略
为 M 公司战略预算管理体系的构建方式和主要流程上提出了思路,同时为其
战略预算的实施形成配套保障。本文的成果对中车 M 公司及中车集团各子公
关键词:中车 M 公司 战略预算管理 战略地图 优化设计AbstractAbstract
Nowadays, the fast-changing and highly competitive market economy
environment has made the corporate strategy play a more important role than
before. The strategy goal of an enterprise, is a developing goal taking the internal
and external environment and other related factors all into consideration. It
provides a guideline to help the enterprises allocate their resources rationally and
determines their development directions, so it is crucial to the enterprises.
Especially for Chinese enterprises, facing the new normal and mounting
downward economic pressure, to achieve the long-term development in the fierce
competition, they must formulate reasonable development strategies and carry
them out effectively. However, the reality is that, although many enterprises have
their own strategic plans, most of the plans are difficult to carry out effectively,
and some business activities are not even implemented in accordance with
strategic plans. The cohesion between strategic objectives and strategic
implementation has become the focus of attention.
There is an old saying, “Preparedness ensures success, unpreparedness spells
failure.” Budget management, as one of the most important tools of enterprise
management and an effective means of implementing business strategy
quantitatively, it plays an important role in internal control and enterprise resource
allocation. Therefore, the enterprise strategy and budget management must be
integrated effectively, optimizing the allocation of resources, improving the
operational efficiency, so that the budget management could be a bridge between
business strategy and business activities, ensuring the implement of strategic
objectives. Then, the idea of strategic budget comes into being. Strategic budget
management focuses on maximizing the corporate value, beginning with the
strategic goal, and attaches importance to both financial and non-financial
information. In these ways, it achieves the effective allocation of enterprise
resources, makes the budget management adapt to the changing marketThe Optimization Design for The Strategic Budget Management System of CRRC M Co.,Ltd.environment, and provides strong support for long-term development of
enterprises. Therefore, the strategic budget management is the future direction of
enterprise budget management. So, to improve the management capacity and core
competitiveness, enterprises should follow the pace of the times, change the
backward budget management model, update the original budget management
ideas, and promote the healthy development of enterprises.
The Company M selected in this paper is a company of 50 years’ history. It is
the key enterprise in R&D and production of railway wagons, bogies and brake
systems of CRRC, it is also the standard-setting enterprise in railway fastener
industry, “National High-tech Enterprise” and “Informatization & Industrialization
Integration” enterprise. In recent years, China’s economic development has
entered the “new normal”, the profits of railway enterprises are further compressed,
forcing the subsidiaries of CRRC to innovate in business administration, improve
the management level, and promote the company’s overall benefits effectively.
Under the circumstances, the shortcomings of Company M’s existing budget
management system are increasingly prominent, which restricts the guaranteed
effect on achieving the strategic goal of Company M. Therefore, to achieve the
strategic development, optimizing the existing budget management system is
Company M’s practical demand.
The main method of this paper is case study, and this paper takes Company M
as research object. Firstly, the research background, research significance, research
ideas, research method and the existing researches are discussed and reviewed in
this paper, which lays the theoretical foundation of the paper. Then, this paper
introduces the present situation of budget management of Company M, based on
the strategic budget management theory, this paper analyzes the deficiencies of
existing budget management and the necessity of implementing strategic budget
management in Company M, which lays the realistic foundation of the follow-up
study. Based on the overall strategy of Company M, the paper puts forward the
establishment ideas and principles of Company M’s strategic budget management
system, and then clears the optimization direction of organization system, target
system and informatization construction, and then puts forward the whole process
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