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Chinese medicine manufacturers in our country development is relatively lagging,
many small and medium-sized enterprises, facing the competition of talent lack,
backward management concept make the enterprise in the management of exploring,
blindly use performance management measures, leading to the management of the
enterprise in the management face more crisis, such as to solve the crisis, is the
enterprise human resource management problems. The performance management of
traditional Chinese medicine enterprises, the author of this paper is studied, research
object is a traditional Chinese medicine pharmaceutical enterprise in heilongjiang
province. In study, thesis mainly adopts the literature analysis, the methods of
combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, the research mainly divided
into three parts, the first part is the introduction and basic theory part, for domestic and
foreign research situation are introduced in this part, for the purpose of this article
application of main theories are introduced; Second is the main part of the paper, in
view of A company&39;s performance management are studied, mainly to the current
situation of the development of A company and the present situation of human resource
management, the problems existing in the performance management, performance
management problems, the reason of performance management of improving measures
are expounded. In order to ensure A smooth implementation of the company
performance management improvement measures, from the enterprise culture
construction, company organization adjustment, introducing fine, human resource
management system construction, etc, to ensure performance management play its
effectiveness. The third part is the conclusion part of the paper, on the research of the
thesis are summarized.
Key words: Human resources; Compensation system; Performance appraisal;
Performance managementIII
绪论.......... 1
一、研究背景........... 1
二、研究目的和意义........... 2
三、国内外研究现状........... 3
四、研究内容及研究方法... 7
第一章 绩效管理的相关理论及方法.... 9
第一节 绩效管理概述......... 9
一、绩效计划.... 9
第二节 绩效考核方法....... 12
一、相对评价法.......... 12
二、描述法...... 13
三、360 考核法........... 14
本章小结..... 14
第二章 A 公司绩效管理现状分析....... 15
第一节 A 公司概况........... 15
一、A 公司基本情况概述...... 15
二、A 公司的组织结构.......... 15
三、A 公司的人员情况.......... 15
第二节 A 公司绩效管理现状....... 16
一、人力资源管理现状.......... 16
二、绩效管理现状...... 18IV
本章小结..... 21
第三章 A 公司绩效管理存在的问题及原因分析....... 22
第一节 A 公司绩效管理存在的问题....... 22
一、绩效考核指标设计存在严重缺陷.......... 22
二、绩效考核指标与企业战略结合不紧密.. 23
三、考核结果运用单一激励作用未充分发挥.......... 23
四、考核指标量化不足难以实现公平考核.. 24
第二节 A 公司绩效管理存在的问题的原因分析........... 24
一、管理者缺乏管理绩效管理专业知识与技能...... 24
二、管理者不重视绩效管理.. 25
三、绩效管理培训宣传不到位.......... 26
四、绩效管理相关管理不足.. 26
本章小结..... 27
第四章 A 公司绩效管理改进对策....... 28
第一节 绩效管理改进的思路、原则与目标....... 28
一、调整思路.. 28
二、调整原则.. 28
三、调整目标.. 28
第二节 绩效管理相关改进措施... 29
一、建立绩效考核小组.......... 29
二、完善考核指标...... 30
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