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二氧化碳的排放,达到节能减排的目标。到 2020 年冶金业的煤炭、石油、天然气、
电力的消费结构是 78.39%,0.46%,3.1%以及 18.05%。最后对我国冶金产业能源消
Since the industrial revolution and the rapid development of the global economy,
developing countries in particular rely on a large number of energy investment to pursue
economic growth. Extensive economic growth led to serious environmental pollution,
waste of resources and ecological damage. With China&39;s economy entering the new normal
development, our country has paid more and more attention to environmental protection
and energy consumption problems.13th Five-Year Plan in the economic and social
development of the main objectives proposed to improve energy efficiency to reduce
energy consumption, carbon emissions and pollutant emissions in the next five years to
achieve international commitments. The coal is the major energy of China, and
metallurgical industry is the major energy consumption industry of China, but it is also the
high pollution and high emission industry. To control energy consumption and carbon
dioxide emissions, the metallurgical industry should first begin . In the stage of rapid and
stable development of China&39;s economy, the metallurgical industry, as an important
economic development support industry, still plays an important role in economic
development; energy conservation, environmental protection, and the development of
low-carbon economy are imperative. It has become an urgent study to make sure the
development of metallurgical industry as well as take into account the environmental
protection, which has important practical significance in development of China&39;s economy
First, this paper introduces the concept, connotation and characteristics of energy
substitution theory, circular economy theory and low carbon economic theory. Then
through the metallurgical industry&39;s energy consumption, energy efficiency, carbon dioxide
emissions and metallurgical industry regional distribution analysis, I have found the main
problems in energy consumption of the metallurgical industry. Under the low-carbon
emission reduction targets I build a multi-objective optimization Model. First of all,
optimize the energy consumption structure of China, according to the optimized energy
consumption results and the proportion of metallurgical industry in China&39;s energy
consumption. Then get the energy consumption structure of the metallurgical industry
under the goal of low carbon emission reduction.
The results of the optimization show that the adjustment of the energy consumption
structure in the short term can reduce the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP and the
growth rate of carbon dioxide emissions in the short term without reducing the total
amount of carbon dioxide emissions. After long-term optimization, COemissions reach
the peak and then will be reduced. China needs to put low-carbon emissions in the
long-term development of the implementation. Metallurgy industry is given priority to coal
and power consumption, coal consumption as the leading. By optimizing the proportion of内蒙古工业大学硕士学位论文
energy structure decline, coal energy consumption can be reduced, and carbon dioxide
emissions can be reduced in the short term. For the metallurgical industry and other high
energy consumption of coal consumption-based industries, the implementation of energy
consumption structure alternative optimization, especially for coal energy alternative, can
reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions in the short term, to achieve
energy-saving emission reduction aims. By 2020, the consumption structure of coal, oil,
natural gas and electricity in the metallurgical industry was 78.39%, 0.46% 3.1% and 18.05%
respectively. Finally, some relevant policy recommendations are made to China&39;s
metallurgical industry energy consumption alternative.
Key words: Low carbon emission reduction; Metallurgical industry; Energy consumption
摘要... I
Abstract .......... II
第一章 绪论 ........ 1
1.1 研究背景 ..... 1
1.2 研究目的与意义 ........... 1
1.2.1 研究目的 .. 1
1.2.2 研究意义 .. 1
1.3 国内外研究综述 2
1.3.1 能源消费与碳排放关系研究综述 ...... 2
1.3.2 能源替代减少碳排放的研究综述 ...... 3
1.4 研究方法 ..... 4
1.5 研究内容与框架 ........... 4
1.5.1 研究内容 . 4
1.5.2 研究框架 . 5
1.6 创新点........ 6
1.7 本章小结...... 6
第二章 相关理论研究综述与相关概念 .......... 7
2.1 能源替代理论.. 7
2.1.1 能源内部替代 .......... 7
2.1.2 能源外部替代 .......... 8
2.2 循环经济理论.. 8
2.3 低碳经济理论.. 8
2.3.1 低碳经济产生背景 ...... 8
2.3.2 低碳经济内涵及特点 .... 9
2.3.3 国内外低碳经济研究 ... 10
2.4 冶金产业定义. 10
2.5 能源效率定义. 11
2.6 碳排放核算方法........... 11内蒙古工业大学硕士学位论文
2.7 多目标优化分析方法 ....... 12
2.8 本章小结 .....
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