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EVA 的出现正适应了当前我国国有企业治理中对于业绩评价指标的新要
东价值最大化”的现代企业管理理念。EVA 充分协调了国有企业的所有者,
虽然 EVA 可以更真实的反映企业的经营业绩,但我国的国有企业,特别
此,如果仅仅用财务数据通过 EVA 的公式计算出一个指标,则不能最大程度
的发挥 EVA 对企业管理起到的作用。基于以上考虑,笔者将通过对军工科研
院所业绩评价现状的分析,以大型央企—中国航空工业集团公司旗下的 C 研EVA 在军工科研院所的应用——以 C 研究所为例究所为例,探讨如何利用 EVA 更科学的评价军工科研院所的业绩,并促进研
第二部分是对 EVA 基本原理的介绍。包括 EVA 产生的历史背景和演变过
程,EVA 的计算公式以及斯腾斯特公司提出的基于 EVA 理论的四大功能,帮
助企业建立起以 EVA 理念为基础的业绩评价体系、内部管理机制、薪酬激励
EVA 进欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司绩评价的原因进行说明;
第五部分以 C 研究所对 EVA 的实际应用为例,详细阐述了研究所对 EVA
终达到促进研究所 EVA 提升的目标;
第六部分对 C 研究所在 EVA 实施过程中发现的问题进行了分析,主要是
况的问题,以及通过 EVA 评价促进企业信息化建设的需要和引入非财务评价
作为全面评价企业业绩的必要性。文章最后对 EVA 在军工科研院所未来的发
展做了展望,虽然目前 EVA 尚不能很完善的反映军工科研院所真正的价值,
的,C 研究所对于 EVA 的应用也值得向其他军工科研院所进行推广
关键词:EVA 军工科研院所 业绩评价 国有企业AbstractAbstract
How to evaluate the value and performance of an enterprise has always been
a common topic in academic and business circles. Enterprise performance
evaluation is not only related to the measurement of the enterprise&39;s operating
results, but also to the rights and interests of the investors. Therefore, the enterprise
should establish a scientific and practical performance evaluation method. In our
country, the state-owned enterprise(SOE) has occupied the most important position
in the national economic system, and its operation has a direct impact on the
overall economic environment of our country. State owned assets supervision and
Administration Commission (SASAC), as the controller of state-owned enterprises,
needs to evaluate the performance of state-owned enterprises every year. But the
traditional evaluation methods can not play a strong role in the constraints of the
agency problem. With the continuous development of market economy, the
traditional approach has been unable to meet the requirements of the development
of enterprises and the supervision of government.
The emergence of EVA assessment is adapted to the requirements of the
performance evaluation indicators in the current state-owned enterprise
governance. The greatest feature of EVA evaluation method is to calculate the cost
of owner’s equity, also known as the investment cost of shareholders. The method
makes the profits of the enterprise close to the concept of economic profit, rather
than of the traditional accounting profit, reflecting that the core interests of modern
enterprise management is to maximize shareholder’s value.. EVA examination
fully coordinates the contradiction between the owner and operator of the
state-owned enterprise. With the incentive and restraint mechanism, the managers
of state-owned enterprises will be diligent and responsible for enterprise’s
management, achieving the goal that the state-owned asset appreciation will be
EVA assessment is the most suitable way to appraise corporate operatingThe Application of EVA Theory in Military Research Institute----Taking C Institute as an exampleresults. In China, the state-owned enterprise, especially the state-owned key
enterprise, is different from the western company which is seek for profits only.
Chinese SOE has to be responsible for national strategy works. The military
research institute, as a special part of Chinese SOE, does not participate in market
competition yet. Therefore, if we just calculate a financial index through the EVA
formula, the results will not only be helpless to evaluate the performance of the
military research institute, but also be useless to guide for corporate management.
Based on the above considerations, the target of this essay is to discover the
effective way for military research institute to evaluate enterprise operating results.
The study will take C Institute as an example, which is the subsidiary of China
Aviation Industry Corp.
The full text is divided into seven parts:
The first part is the introduction, which briefly introduces not only the
background and purpose of the study, but also the ideas and frameworks
The second part introduces the basic principle of EVA. After reviewing the
history, the development and the formula of EVA, the study will focus on the “4M”
method established by Stern and Stewart Co., which can help enterprise to
establish corporate performance evaluation system, internal management
mechanism, incentive mechanism and corporate culture.
The third part is the analysis of the current performance evaluation of military
research institute. This paper summarizes the general situation of military research
institutes in our country and analyzes the characteristics of business, accounting
and performance evaluation. Meanwhile, this paper analyzes and evaluates the
traditional performance evaluation methods of SOE key enterprises and military
research institutes.
The fourth part is the comparison of several performance evaluation methods
of military research institute. From the financial sector, non-financial sector, the
necessity sector and feasible sector, this paper explain the reasons why military
research institute choose EVA assessment to appraise the performance.
Taking C Research Institute as an example, the fifth part introduces the
calculation and decomposition process of EVA index, and explains the way to use
the results combining with the management of C institute.
The sixth part analyzes the problems found in the application of EVA assessmentAbstractof C Institute. In this paper, the author explains the reasons why the cost of cap
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