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Munich, January 2016
Online Sales
of New Cars
2 Roland Berger_Car Online Sales_final_220116 (2).pptx
How the world is today
The way cars are sold is changing, putting market models under pressure. Customer expectations are shaped by retail experiences in other
industries, while advanced technology opens up new opportunities within traditional retail approaches
About 10%1) of new cars are sold online today – High growth rates expected by market experts, at least doubling today's volume by 2020
Within the German market, there are several dominant players – Four archetypes to be distinguished, each one with its own 'raison d'être'
Marketplaces for comparing prices of different dealers – High degree of transparency
Brokers as mediators between authorized dealers and end customer in selling process – High degree of convenience
Special concepts being a one-stop-shop solution for car leasing – High degree of convenience
OEMs/dealers where the online shop presents a further customer touchpoint within the multi-channel approach – High degree of trust
Two types of customers within the online market for cars: the informed saver and the multi-channel customer. Whereas the informed
saver has long been a priority for existing archetypes, the focus is increasingly shifting to multi-channel customers; not least because they
account for almost half of the market. Hence, online portals focusing on one-stop shops are currently receiving a strong push
Nevertheless, all of the big players in the German market display some gaps in fully capturing the convenience-seeking customer – Reason:
customer journey not entirely integrated seamlessly (discontinuity within ordering process, missing link between online and offline world)
Increasing number of start-ups are surging onto markets, especially from the US. Whereas some business models aim at taking the customer
journey to the next level, others focus on enhancing specific steps. Both price and convenience seekers are targeted
Current dominant players will increasingly be challenged by new entrants – It's time to enhance existing business models! Future success
depends on thinking outside the box to find the optimum solution for the future customer requirements. Start-ups from around the world are
already demonstrating what is possible within the market for online sales of new cars
Management summary
1) Definition of online sales: car purchase substantially initiated online, incl. forwarding customer to dealer, online request for consultation
3 Roland Berger_Car Online Sales_final_220116 (2).pptx
Contents Page
A.The case for change: New customer requirements4
B.Where we are today: Snapshot of the German market and its players10
C.What the future brings: New entrants and implications 21

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