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(CWFX)均值为 1.884,从整体来看,样本企业财务风险处于安全区域范围内,
但是已经接近 2 的临界值。所选样本的浙江省小微企业的控制环境指数(CWFX)
均值为 78.261,风险评估指数(FXPG)均值为 4.482,信息和沟通指数(XXGT)
的均值 21.073,这三个内部影响要素整体处于较差的水平上;内部控制活动指
数(KZHD)均值为 5.685,内部监督指数(XXGT)的均值 9.140,要素水平处
第二,Pearson 相关性检验检验结果得出,财务杠杆系数(CWFX)与其五
的 Pearson 相关系数分别为-0.165、-0.256、-0.125、-0.035、-0.562,均通
过了 5%的显著性水平检验,且五个自变量与因变量之间呈现负相关关系,这是
(ZCFZ)的 Pearson 相关系数为 0.002,两者之间成正相关关系
(LNNBJD)的估计系数为-0.175,且通过了 5%的显著性水平检验,五个内部
控制要素均通过了 5%的显著性水平检验,即浙江省小微企业内部控制环境指数
境指数(LNXXGT)、监督指数(LNNBJD)每提升 1%,小微企业财务风险水平
将分别下降 0.053%、0.073%、0.243%、0.654%、0.175%。五个内部控制要
素均与财务风险成负相关,本文的 5 个研究假设得得到了有效检验
With the arrival of the new normal economy, China&39;s economy has entered a new
period of transition. At present, small and micro enterprises have become the old and
new momentum conversion accelerator, the development of new engine traction new
format. For the economic development of the province of Zhejiang is even more so,
small and micro enterprises to promote economic development in Zhejiang Province,
enhance economic activity, enhance employment and other aspects of the role of
highlighting. With the rapid development of small and micro enterprises
synchronization is the financial risk of small and micro enterprises have become
increasingly prominent, recalling the global corporate financial risk management
practice, financial risk management is a global problem. Especially in the current
economic downturn, the scale, financing, etc. do not have the advantage of small and
micro enterprises, the financial risk problem is more significant, to solve this problem
is imminent.
The method of literature review, empirical research method and practice survey
expert interviews, this paper introduces the theory of internal control, financial risk is
selected as the dependent variable, the five elements of internal control is selected,
environmental factors, risk assessment factors, internal control activities information
and communication elements, elements and internal oversight elements as
independent variables and construction of Zhejiang province micro enterprise
financial risk influence factors empirical model, conclusions are as follows;
First, descriptive analysis, financial leverage coefficient of the selected sample of
Zhejiang province Small and micro businesses (CWFX) the average is 1.884, on the
whole, the sample enterprise financial risk in the region, but is close to the critical
value of 2. The selected samples of Zhejiang province Small and micro businesses to
control environmental index (CWFX) value was 78.261, the risk assessment index
(FXPG) value was 4.482, and the communication information index (XXGT) of the
average of 21.073, the three internal factors in the overall low level; the internal
control activity index (KZHD) mean 5.685, the internal supervision index (XXGT) of
the average of 9.140, factor level in the slightly better state.
Second, Pearson correlation test, test results, financial leverage coefficient
(CWFX) and the five internal factors, namely the control environment index (KZHJ),
the risk assessment index (FXPG), internal control activity index (KZHD),
information and communication and internal supervision index (XXGT) index (NBJD)IV
Pearson correlation coefficient between are -0.165, -0.256, -0.125, -0.035, -0.562,
through the 5% level of significance test, and five variables and the dependent
variable are negatively related, this is to validate the basic hypothesis. The Pearson
coefficient of financial leverage coefficient (CWFX) and the control variable asset
liability ratio (ZCFZ) is 0.002, which is a positive correlation between the two.
Third, multiple regression estimate, control environment index (LNKZHJ) of the
estimated coefficient is -0.053, the risk assessment index (LNFXPG) of the estimated
coefficient is -0.073, control activity index (LNKZHD) of the estimated coefficient is
-0.243, the control environment index (LNXXGT) of the estimated coefficient is
-0.654, monitoring index (LNNBJD) of the estimated coefficient -0.175, and through
a significant test of 5% level, the five elements of internal control through the 5%
level of significance test, Zhejiang province Small and micro businesses internal
control environment index (LNKZHJ), the risk assessment index (LNFXPG), the
control index (LNKZHD), control index (LNXXGT), environmental monitoring index
(LNNBJD) each increased 1%, Small and micro businesses financial risk level will be
decreased by 0.053%, 0.073%, 0.243%, 0.654%, 0.175%. The five internal control
elements are negatively correlated with the financial risk, and the 5 research
hypotheses of this paper have been tested effectively.
This paper studies the innovation of research perspective, research methods and
research content. In the innovation of research perspective, the author of the domestic
and foreign related theories that l
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