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资相关产品。并以 PA 银行(原 S 银行)供应链融资管理为例,分析供应链融资的
念、供应链融资产品;第三章介绍了 PA 银行供应链融资发展状况;第四章在供应
分析不同业务模式所面临的风险,并在此基础上,将 PA 银行供应链融资与传统融
资方式进行 SWOT 分析;最后,从商业银行供应链融资全面风险管理的角度提出
关键词:PA 银行;供应链融资模式;供应链融资风险;中小企业ABSTRACT
Against the background of implementation of The Basel III Accord and the
strengthening of supervision and capital constrains by Chinese regulatory authorities on
the banking industry, financial innovation through legal channels becomes increasingly
crucial for banks and the reforming orientation should concentrate on raising profit
proportion of the intermediate business using less or no capital.
According to the relevant provisions of the Basel Accord, trade finance projects
only take 20% of the general credit business, due to its low capital-consuming feature. It
surly alleviates the difficulty of endogenous capital and relives the pressures of
replenishing capital for commercial banks. Hence, Supply chain financing is bound to
become the emphasis of development for banks in the future.
A good supply chain financing model could provide a good solution for small and
medium-sized enterprises financing in the upstream and downstream supply chain. At
present, small and medium-sized enterprise play important roles in Chinese economic
development. However, due to the defection of domestic financial support system, the
majority of small and medium-sized enterprises have difficulties in financing. To solve
this problem effectively, this paper built the supply chain financing model. It is also
valid to risk aversion to a certain extent, achieving a win-win situation for bank and
Supply chain financial products are introduced with the basic theory of relevant
financing management. This paper analyzes the supply chain financing management of
PA Bank (original S Bank) and focuses on the risk management of supply-chain
financing. Integrated with knowledge of risk control, this thesis has explored that how
joint-stock commercial banks could reduce rick with supply-chain financing in the
complicated economic condition, and has provided suggestion to managers that banks
could rapidly develop and effectively avoid risk through transformation and innovative
The background and meaning of this research are elaborated in the first chapter and
the second one explains theory and products of supply chain financing. Then it
introduces development of PA Bank and its supply chain financing. The forth chapter
analyses the risk in three different business pattern in supply chain financing on theABSTRACT
basis of the risk evaluation and typical cases, and also implements SWOT analysis
between PA Bank supply-chain financing and traditional financing. Finally, measures
and suggestions for supply chain financing risk management if commercial banks are
Keywords: PA Bank; supply chain financing mode; supply chain financing risk; small
and medium-sized enterprises目 录
目 录
第一章 导论........ 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 1
1.2.1 研究目的1
1.2.2 研究意义1
1.3 国内外研究动态 1
1.4 研究思路及研究方法.... 2
1.4.1 研究思路2
1.4.2 研究方法3
1.4.3 本文可能创新之处 ........ 3
第二章 供应链金融相关理论.... 4
2.1 供应链的涵义.... 4
2.2 供应链金融的涵义........ 4
2.3 商业银行开展供应链融资的主要组织方式 .... 5
2.3.1 条线事业部 ........ 5
2.3.2 总分支结构下集约化操作模式5
2.4 供应链融资产品介绍.... 6
2.4.1 应收账款类供应链融资模式 .... 6
2.4.2 预付类供应链融资模式7
2.4.3 存货类供应链融资模式 .......... 10
2.5 本章小结...........11
第三章 PA 银行供应链金融发展状况分析..... 12
3.1 PA 银行介绍..... 12
3.2 PA 银行供应链金融发展介绍. 12
3.3 “S 银行”兼并为“PA 银行”前后的经营状况变化 14
3.4 “S 发展”兼并为“PA 银行”前后的组织管理变化 18
3.4.1 供应链金融管理组织结构变化 .......... 18
3.4.2 人事变化 .......... 20
3.4.3 企业文化的变化 .........
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