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质量,对 A 造纸设备公司来说非常重要。如何找准客户、发掘客户需求,并
为其客户提供优质的产品与服务,从而赢取客户忠诚,已成为 A 造纸设备公
司亟待解决的问题。本研究不仅对 A 造纸设备公司实施客户关系管理具有实
专家访谈,并结合自身的工作经验,对 A 造纸设备公司的经营现状进行了分
析,重点分析了 A 造纸设备公司的竞争力、客户类型以及其客户关系管理的
模型为基础,对 A 造纸设备公司的客户展开问卷调查,回收有效问卷 105 份,
然后利用 SPSS 统计软件对问卷数据进行了信度、效度、均值、相关性以及
回归分析,得出了反映 A 造纸设备公司客户关系管理现状的结果,并分析原
管理和客户忠诚理论,为 A 造纸设备公司提出客户关系管理优化策略
通过对 A 造纸设备公司客户调查结果的分析,得出客户对其服务质量、
忠诚理论,以实现客户忠诚为目的,为 A 造纸设备公司提出了不同客户类型
Nowadays market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, customer has been one of
the most important resources for an enterprise and the management of enterprises has shifted
its focus from the product marketing of “production orientation” to “Customer Orientation”.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become one of core competitiveness of the
enterprises. By implementation of CRM, enterprises can build and maintain good interaction
relationship with customers, explore the deep-seated needs of customers and understand
customers’ behaviors, and meet customers’ demands for personalized products and services,
improve customer satisfaction, win customer loyalty, increase customer value, and ultimately
improve the profitability of enterprises.
Papermaking equipment industry is no exception. With the overcapacity of paper and
paperboard, the new investment in paper industry is reducing, and the Papermaking
Equipment Enterprises are facing fiercer competition. It is crucial for A Papermaking
Equipment Company to enhance the customer relationship by implementing CRM actively.
How to capture customers, understand customers’ needs, and provide them with high quality
products and services to win their loyalty. A Papermaking Equipment Company has to take
those questions seriously and answer them with suitable solutions immediately. This paper not
only has practical significance in terms of CRM optimization strategy for A Papermaking
Equipment Company, but also has reference value for other companies in paper industry.
Through the study of the literatures related to the theory of Customer Relationship
Management and Customer Loyalty, this paper summarized the definition, connotation, core
and target of Customer Relationship Management, and mainly discussed the Customer
Loyalty and its influencing factors: Service Quality, Customer Perceived Value and
Relationship Quality. After interviewing some experts on papermaking industry, combined my
experience in papermaking industry, I analyzed the situation of management of A
Papermaking Equipment Company, focusing on analysis of competitiveness, customer type
and the status of CRM in A Papermaking Company. On this basis of previous research, this
paper sorted out a driving model of Customer Loyalty, and on basis of the model,
questionnaire survey was carried out on APapermaking Equipment Company’s customers, the
105 valid questionnaires were collected, using SPSS to analyze the reliability, validity and
mean of the questionnaire data, and I also did the correlation and regression analysis of four
variables, obtained the results reflecting the current situation of CRM in A Papermaking
Equipment Company. I analyzed the causes and found out the intrinsic link between these
four variables. Then based on the survey results, combined with customer relationship
management and customer loyalty theory, I put forward some optimization strategies of
customer relationship forAPapermaking Equipment Company.
The main conclusions of this paper:
If a Papermaking Equipment Enterprise wants to take a good position in increasingly
fierce competition in the market, it must actively implement customer relationship
management, segment the customers on basis of customer value and customer types andVII
allocated the limited resources to the different customers with different values; at the same
time, it needs to strengthen the communication with customers, establish and maintain the
good quality of the relationship with customers, identify and meet the customers different
deep seated needs, enhance customer perceived value, so as to obtain the trust of customers,
to win customer loyalty, increase the number of loyal customers, come into the enterprise
competitive advantages.
Based on the analysis of survey result of APapermaking Equipment Company, this paper
obtained that the customers’ evaluation on service quality, relationship customer, customer
perceive value and customer loyalty was not as high as expected and the different types of
customers have the different evaluation on these four variables, Acompany need to strengthen
the CRM on basis of different types of customers; At the same time, this paper testified that
service quality, relationship quality and customer perceived value have a significant positive
influence on customer loyalty, and service quality and customer perceived value also have a
significant positive influence on relationship quality.
Finally, based on the analysis result of questionnaire and combined with the CRM theory
and Customer Loyalty theory, in order to achieve customer loyalty, this paper put forward
some optimization strategies such as Allocation of limited resources on basis of different
customers, “walking into customers and Inviting customers into us” communication strategies
and combining the relationship quality with performance evaluation.
Student Name: Zhang Yidong
Supervised by:_Yu Junying_ _
KEYWORDS: Customer Relationship Management; Customer Loyalty; Relationship
版权所有: 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司©2025 客服电话: 0411-88895936 18842816135