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本文把 J 省地矿局 A 公司(下称:A 公司)作为研究主体,对 A 公司进行了
分析和研究。A 公司是全局层面的投融资及房地产开发的平台公司,负责局级层
面的投融资及房地产开发。文中使用了多种方法分析了 A 公司的资本运营现状,
借鉴国内外相关企业资本运营战略的研究思路和成果,采用 PEST、SWOT 分析
据“战略环境分析一战略选择一战略实施保障措施”这一思路进行研究,确定 A
施,为 A 公司以后的发展提供理论指导和实践经验,实现 A 公司由当前单一的发
展模式向准平台公司发展模式的成功转型,提升 A 公司在市场环境下竞争力,促
并为 A 公司量身定制了发展战略,最后验证其具有操作的可行性,对其未来的经
关键词:地勘单位投融资平台公司;企业资本运营、战略;SWOT 分析;
PEST 分析2
With the development of market economy, the government had reformed the
geological exploration industry. The purpose is changing the operation and
management of the geological exploration units gradually according to the market
economy, gradually making it become an autonomous, self-financing, self-restraint and
self-development economic entity. After years of development , the geological
exploration units had adjusted development ideals,had changed their working ways
from entirely depend on the national geological exploration funds,completing national
task,to depend on the market. And some of the geological exploration units have been
exploring the survive and development way that completely depend on the market.
Since 2000,the golden time of the geological exploration industry has come,national
and provincial level geological projects have never been broken off. Meanwhile, in
order to encourage domestic geological exploration units go out and seek foreign
resources and markets , the geological exploration funds had been established.
Geological exploration economy has grown dramatically. However,it should be noted
that in parallel with the development of the geological exploration units,problems also
exist. The problems are aging serious of professional and technical personnel;
development lacking core competitiveness; internal business similar in geological
exploration units; serious homogeneity competition; individually,it&39;s difficult to form
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