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关键词:中小企业, 转贷基金, 融资II
Operation Principle and Policy Design for Lending Fund of
--Based on Case Analysis of Jiangbei District of Ningbo City
Presently with the rapid development of China&39;s economy, SEMs plays an important role in
this aspect. However, in the pr ocess of China’s economy entering into the new normal state, the
problems that financing channels of SEMs are narrow, it it dif ficult for them to finance and the
financing is costly have becom e more and more prominent and SEMs are generally confronting
with the financing constraints. The bankruptcy issues of SEMs will have negative effects on
China&39;s economy and society, such as employment being difficult, the local financial revenue being
decreased, corporate owners fleeing, bad debts of the bank being incr eased and the social stability
being affected, etc.
Based on the correct understanding of the relationship betw een the government and the
market, this paper introduces the new local financial innovation theory. The lending fund of SEMs
in Jiangbei District, Ningbo as the object to seek the inherent operation principle and law by taking
the method that the investigation and analysis of the typical cases are combined and by analyzing
the history and background of lending fund. Through this method, it intends to find the solution to
the problem that financing of SEMs is difficult.
The research content of this p aper includes: firstly, it systematically reviews the relevant
research background, causes and solu tions of financing through the literature analysis method to
determine the basis for research on lending fund of SMEs; secondly, through the case analysis, it
analyzes the internal principle, operation rules and enlightenment of Jiangbei District lending fund
set up by the government in Jiangbei District, Ningbo. Moreover, it intends to provide support for
standardized management of SEMs of Jiangbei District and provide som e reference for lending
fund development in other areas, surrounding areas and areas of this category. In this way, it is able
to promote the development of lending fund for SEMs and ease the financing difficulties of SEMs;
thirdly, it intends to obtain verifi cation, sum up the rules, im prove policies from the pilot area of
Jiangbei District and devote to enriching the th eory of financing and solving the problem of
difficult financing for SEMs.
The paper finds out the inherent law of lending funds by carrying ou t systematical case
analysis of the background, the operating principle of lending fund for SEMs set up by theIII
government in Jiangbei District, which will provide support fo r standardized management of
SEMs of Jiangbei District and provide some reference for lending fund development in other areas,
surrounding areas and areas of this category.Finally, it also provides a theo retical innovation for
financing of SEMs.
Keywords: SEMs, Lending fund, Financing目 录
引 言1
1 绪论2
1.1 选题的背景与意义..2
1.1.1 选题的背景..........2 中小企业的重要作用..........2 中小企业融资约束所带来的负面影响..... 2 破解中小企业融资约束是世界难题.........2 政府机构在破解中小企业融资难方面所做的探索........4
1.1.2 选题的意义..........5 现实意义....... 5 理论意义....... 5
1.2 研究目标与思路.......5
1.2.1 研究目标5
1.2.2 研究思路..6
1.3 研究内容与方法........8
1.3.1 研究内容..8
1.3.2 研究方法..8
1.4 论文的创新与展望....9
1.4.1 论文的创新点.....9
1.4.2 论文的展望..........9
2 理论回顾与文献综述.....11
2.1 国外中小企业融资的理论回顾.....11
2.2 我国中小企业融资的研究进展综述.........12
2.3 中小企业转贷基金的相关研究.....14
3 中小企业转贷基金运行原理的理论分析.......16
3.1 中小企业转贷基金的内涵及其发展历程..
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