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本文以 JQ 公司的薪酬体系为研究对象,以文献研究、实地访谈、定性与定量分
析的方法,对 JQ 公司的薪酬体系进行了全面研究
果进行了总结,运用薪酬的相关理论知识并结合员工薪酬满意度调查,对 JQ 公司现
通过本文对 JQ 公司薪酬体系的研究与分析,可设计出一套旨在提高员工满意度、
关键词:建筑施工企业;薪酬管理;薪酬体系;绩效薪酬山东理工大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT
The theme of enterprise management is the management of people in twenty-first
Century, with the advent of the knowledge economy, human resource has become the
strategic resource of enterprises. As the key and core of enterprise human resource
management, salary management has become the key factor of success or failure. The
salary management in the new era is no longer simply pay to employees or increase salary
level of course, but from a new salary management based on the idea, using new
management methods and techniques, make pay satisfy employee needs, attract and retain
talent, building enterprise core ability and effective tool in achieving common development
of enterprises and employees. Compensation design is usually lack of strategic thinking on
construction enterprises, the salary system is not standardized, poor working environment
and high strength work pressure to a certain extent is not reasonably reflected in the design
of the compensation system, design a set of construction enterprise&39;s salary system is of
great significance.
In this paper, the JQ company’s compensation system as the research object, literature
research, field interviews, qualitative and quantitative analysis of the JQ company’s
compensation system for a comprehensive study.
From the macro background of construction enterprises, this paper summarizes the
research results of the domestic and foreign related compensation system, and uses the
relevant theoretical knowledge of compensation and the employee satisfaction survey,
analysis the existing salary system of JQ company and the causes of the problems. On this
basis, using the scientific job analysis and job evaluation method, from the optimization of
the salary system of performance appraisal, the design method and the welfare system and
other aspects, which is more consistent with the construction enterprise environment.
Finally, the paper puts forward the corresponding mechanism for the possible obstacles in
the implementation of the new salary system, and draws the corresponding conclusions.
Through the research and analysis of the salary system of JQ company, we can design
a salary system to improve employee satisfaction and enterprise competitiveness,
thoroughly solve the problem of talent competition and enhance the company&39;s salary
management level, provide the basis and reference to the compensation design of
construction enterprises in the development stage of the more.山东理工大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT
Key words: Construction Enterprise; Compensation Management; Compensation
Design; Performance Compensation山东理工大学硕士学位论文 目录
目 录
目 录..........IV
第一章 绪 论.........1
1.1 研究背景...........1
1.2 研究意义...........1
1.3 国内外研究现状...........2
1.3.1 国外研究现状.....2
1.3.2 国内研究现状.....3
1.4 研究内容与技术路线...5
1.5 研究方法...........6
第二章 相关理论概述.8
2.1 薪酬及其相关概念........8
2.1.1 薪酬的概念.........8
2.1.2 薪酬的构成.........8
2.1.3 薪酬的功能.........9
2.2 薪酬体系的概念、基本形式..10
2.2.1 薪酬体系的概念...........10
2.2.2 薪酬体系的基本形式...10
2.3 影响薪酬体系的主要因素.....11
2.3.1 社会因素.........
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