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理论研究和国内星级饭店发展现状研究。并运用市场营销的相关理论如 PEST 理
论和 SWOT 分析模型,以杭州 HC 饭店为例分析其营销策略和提出营销策略存
在的问题,再针对存在的营销问题重新设计了 HC 饭店的营销策略
级酒店发展状况、杭州 HC 饭店营销策略分析、设计杭州 HC 饭店的营销策略这
关键词:杭州 HC 饭店;营销;策略II
Star Hotel Marketing Strategy Research
—Taking Hang Zhou HC Hotel as an Example
The modern economy is undergoing a profound structural change, to serve as the
main feature of the service economy has been booming, the hotel industry as a service
industry in the traditional and vibrant industry in recent years has made rapid
development. The hotel industry has gone through the development process from the
simple inn to the star hotel. After experiencing the high speed growth period, the star
hotels in our country have already begun to enter the mature stage. According to the
marketing theory, this means that the industry will face sales growth, market share
shrinking, competition is more incentive, increased marketing costs, space narrowing
profit status, the competition of hotel industry from the original price competition to
quality competition, culture competition, brand competition, group competition etc..
In this context, the scientific construction and management of the hotel&39;s marketing
strategy, it is bound to promote the hotel industry towards the direction of the healthy
development of the market. The rapid development of China&39;s hotel industry due to
the relative lack of competition and the source, in this case, the enterprise in order to
gain more market share, it must be through a variety of ways to optimize the
marketing strategy to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.
Paper mainly adopts the method of literature review and field survey methods,
the basis, starting from the hotel marketing perspective, combined with the status quo
of domestic hotel marketing, using the relevant theory of marketing management,
focus on four aspects of the hotel, hotel, HC Hotel of Hangzhou present marketing
situation of the marketing strategy, to design and study hotel marketing strategies,
expounds corresponding measures etc..
This paper takes the marketing theory as the basis, combining with investigation
from several marketing theory, development, domestic star hotel HC hotel of
Hangzhou, HC hotel of Hangzhou design marketing strategy marketing strategy and
other aspects of writing, the conclusions of this study can provide references for our
hotel strategies can be business marketing.
Key words: hotel; HC hotel of Hangzhou; marketing; strategyI
目 录
1 绪论..1
1.1 选题背景........1
1.2 选题目的........2
1.3 选题意义........2
1.4 国外研究现状....3
1.5 国内研究现状....4
1.6 研究方法........5
1.7 研究思路和框架..5
1.8 本论文创新之处..6
2 相关市场营销理论研究..........7
2.1 市场营销理论....7
2.1.1 市场营销的概念7
2.1.2 4P 和 4C 理论 ..8
2.1.3 市场营销环境理论..........9
2.1.4 波特五力竞争模型.........10
2.1.5 SWOT 分析模型 11
2.1.6 收益管理理论.13
2.2 饭店营销.......14
2.2.1 饭店的概念及类型划分.....14
2.2.2 饭店营销的概念...........14
2.2.3 饭店营销的特点...........15
3 国内星级酒店发展状况研究.....17
3.1 规模与结构.....17
3.2 经营效益 .......19
3.2.1 2013-2015 年全国星级饭店经营情况 .....19
3.2.2 2015 年星级酒店成本分析 ..21II
3.3 发展机会.......26
3.4 挑战与趋势.....27
4 杭州 HC 饭店营销策略分析......30
4.1 杭州 HC 饭店的基本情况......30
4.2 经营状况.......30
4.3 运用 PEST 理论对其营销环境进行分析......31
4.4 运用 SWOT 理论分析其优劣势和存在的机遇和挑战........34
4.4.1 优势——S 34
4.4.2 劣势——W 35
4.4.3 机会——O 37
4.4.4 威胁——T 38
4.5 营销策略存在的问题 .......39
4.5.1 服务营销意识淡薄 .....39
4.5.2 存在削价竞争 .........40
4.5.3 忽视宾客关系管理 .....40
4.5.4 缺乏文化内涵 .........40
4.5.5 互联网营销不够深化 ...41
4.5.6 营销团队能力较低 .....41
5 杭州 HC 饭店的营销策略设计....42
5.1 服务营销策略 .42
5.2 注重销售产品和服务多元化 .43
5.3 收益管理策略 .43
5.4 加强网络营销 .44
5.5 加强客户关系管理 .........45
5.6 探索饭店主题文化特色 .....46
5.7 建立科学合理的绩效考核体系 ...........47
5.8 注重营销团队建设,提升营销能力 .......47
6 结论.49
致 谢..53IV
图 2.1 波特五力竞争模型 ........11
图 2.2 SWOT 分析模型12
图 3.1 2015 年星级酒店人工成本率21
图 3.2 2015 年五星级酒店人工成本率..........21
图 3.3 2015 年四星级酒店人工成本率..........22
图 3.4 2015 年三星级酒店人工成本率.......
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