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关键词:供应商选择, 供应商评价指标, 供应商评价方法,模糊综合评价法, 供应商选择策略II
JR International Trade Company Supplier Selection Study
Supplier selection is a crucial part of supplier management. The competitive advantage of
Chinese export enterprises is decreasing with the increasing labor cost in China. It is with a great
meaning to select a proper supplier for them. Took JR company as a sample, analyzed its’ supplier
selection, pointed out major issues. Including supplier evaluation index simplification, weight
allocation and evaluation method are subjective. Aimed to propose a relatively scientific supplier
selection strategy through study. According to theoretical study, combine with JR company real
situation, confirmed objective and principal of supplier selection. Prepared a series of supplier
evaluation factors. Designed a questionnaire about importance of these factors. On the basis of
result from investigation, confirmed four first-level factors, including cost, quality, service-level
and enterprise ability. and twelve second-level factors, like product cost, certified quality system
and on-time delivery etc.. Used Analytic hierarchy process, structured judgment matrix of factors,
calculated and concluded to weights allocation of each factors. Based on above, introduced fuzzy
comprehensive evaluation as a method to evaluate suppliers. Given that, used supplier H as a
sample analysis. During second-level factors’ judgment, used expert evaluation method, evaluated
each factors in 4 grades, structured 2-level factors’ judgment matrix, calculated and got result
figures. So did to 1-level factors and came to final result. In the light of maximum membership
degree principal judged supplier H is excellent supplier. Considering faced with difficulties to
apply to new method, proposed three strategy advices to JR company: improve supplier date pool,
implement supplier performance appraisal and classify purchase flow.
Key Words:Supplier selection, supplier evaluation index , Supplier evaluation method,
FCE, supplier selection strategyIII
目 录
1 绪论... 1
1.1 研究背景和意义....... 1
1.1.1 研究背景......... 1
1.1.2 研究意义......... 2
1.2 研究的基本思路....... 2
1.3 研究方法和可能存在的创新 .......... 3
1.3.1 研究方法......... 3
1.3.2 可能存在的创新 ........ 4
1.4 论文内容与框架....... 4
2 相关理论研究.......... 6
2.1 供应商选择概述....... 6
2.1.1 供应商的定义和分类 6
2.1.2 供应商选择基本流程 6
2.2 供应商管理与供应商选择 .. 7
2.2.1 供应商管理概述 ........ 7
2.2.2 供应商管理的重要性 8
2.2.3 供应商选择的目标 .... 8
2.3 供应商选择评价指标及评价方法 10
2.3.1 供应商选择评价指标.......... 10
2.3.2 供应商选择评价方法.......... 11
2.4 国内外研究综述..... 12
2.4.1 国外研究综述 .......... 12
2.4.2 国内研究综述 .......... 14
3 JR 公司供应商选择问题及分析 .. 16
3.1 JR 公司简介. 16
3.2 JR 公司供应商选择现状分析........ 17
3.2.1 采购流程分析 .......... 17IV
3.2.2 供应商评价指标分析.......... 18
3.2.3 供应商评价方法分析.......... 20
3.3 JR 公司供应商选择问题分析........ 21
3.3.1 价格对采购流程的影响...... 21
3.3.2 评价指标和方法简单主观化.......... 22
4 JR 公司供应商选择过程优化....... 24
4.1 供应商选择的目标及原则24
4.1.1 供应商选择目标 ...... 24
4.1.2 供应商选择原则 ...... 25
4.2 JR 公司供应商评价指标的构建.... 26
4.2.1 评价指标的拟定 .
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