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针对目前 A 公司员工绩效考核大多采用独立考核指标和简单权重分配,导致考
核结果,不能客观反映 A 公司员工绩效考核真实情况的问题。我们明确了绩效考核
是由多个因素共同作用的结果,在此基础上我们建立了 A 公司员工绩效考核模型
确性和可比较性,从而增强绩效考核体系的全面性,有效提高考核质量。A 公司员工
针对目前 A 公司员工绩效考核过程中,存在重考核过程,轻考核结果应用的问
A 公司员工绩效考核系统的优化研究,改变了当前对 A 公司员工个人能力素质、
核对象的真实情况,对于 A 公司员工的管理,以及 A 公司员工人才的有效应用,具
With the ra pid development of economic globalization, the m arket competition is
becoming increasingly fierce. At present, m any employees in our country have achieved
rapid development, but at the same time they will also face some challenges. Aemployee is
an important development force in the staff of Intelligent early educ ation company in
China. The com pany has form ed a perfect performance management system in the
continuous development, so it can provide some experience and reference f or the
development of other education company staff in China.
At present, A company employee performance appraisal mostly adopts independent
evaluation index and simple wei ght distribution, leading to the assessment results can not
objectively found employee performance appraisal A actual situation, clear performance
appraisal is made up of a number of factors, enhance the comprehensive evaluation system,
to improve the quality of assessm ent, and the establishment of the A company employee
performance appraisal model. The model is composed of two parts: subjective assessment
and objective assessment. The quantitative method is used to im prove the accuracy and
comparison of the assessm ent results. Includ ing the construction of assessment factors
determine employee performance appraisal model of A company, the implementation of
assessment methods, application and three aspe cts of the assessment results, according to
different evaluation purposes and assessment of post assessment of the project and weight
allocation adjustments, in order to improve the performance appraisal of science.
In view of the cu rrent A company employee performance appraisal process, the
existence of the re as sessment process and results of the assessm ent results, light
application problems, put forward the assessm ent results were analyzed by the m ethod of
data processing based on fuzzy data proce ssing as the core, th e establishment of
assessment results grading system , improve the credibility of evaluation results; with the
method of data classification. Div ide the performance appraisal object into m ultiple
categories, and accord ing to the characterist ics of object catego ries, the tasks or the
position adjustment, in order to give full play to their ability.
Study on Optimization of e mployee performance appraisal system of A company,
changed the current of A employees personal ability, work performance and other factorsIII
do not fully grasp, not accurate, th e performance evaluation results can better reflect th e
real situation by the assessment object, for the A company staff management, and effective
application of A employees talent, has i mportant practical significance. It als o has
reference value for the internal performance appraisal of other education companies.
Key words:performance appraisal system,Aenterprise team building,fuzzy comprehensive
evaluation,system developmentIV
目 录
摘要 ........ I
Abstract ... II
目 录 ...... IV
第 1 章 绪论 . 1
1.1 研究的背景和意义1
1.2 国内外研究现状 .. 4
1.2.1 国外研究现状 ........... 4
1.2.2 国内研究现状 ........... 6
1.3 主要研究内容及结构 ......... 10
第 2 章 绩效考核理论概述12
2.1 绩效管理和绩效考核的概念 .... 12
2.1.1 绩效管理的概念 ........ 12
2.1.2 绩效考核的概念 ........ 13
2.2 绩效考核的实施流程 .......... 14
2.2.1 确定考核内容 .......... 14
2.2.2 明确考核标准 .......... 14
2.2.3 实施考核评价 .......... 15
2.2.4 反馈与应用考核结果 .... 15
2.3 绩效考核的常用方法 .......... 15
2.3.1 360 度绩效考核法 ...... 16
2.3.2 KPI 关键绩效指标法 .... 16
第 3 章 A 公司员工绩效考核现状分析 ... 18
3.1 A 公司概况 ...... 18
3.2 A 公司员工绩效考核现状 ...... 18
第 4 章 A 公司员工绩效考核存在的问题 . 26
4.1 员工对绩效考核认识不足 ...... 26
4.2 员工绩效考核系统不完善 ...... 27V
4.2.1 绩效考核主体和考核方式单一 ........ 27
4.2.2 绩效考核的指标体系不完善 .......... 28
4.3 绩效沟通和反馈效力不够 ..... 30
4.4 绩效考核结果运用不力 ....... 31
第 5 章 A 公司员工绩效考核系统的优化 . 34
5.1 优化绩效考核主体及责任 ...... 34
5.1.1 优化绩效考核主体 ...... 34
5.1.2 明确绩效考核主体的责任34
5.2 构建高效的绩效考核体系 ...... 35
5.2.1 绩效考核设计原则与思路35
5.2.2 绩效考核标准的确立 .... 37
5.2.3 绩效考核指标的选择 .... 38
5.2.4 绩效考核方法的选择 .... 42
5.3 建立有效的绩效沟通和绩效反馈机制........ 43
5.3.1 积极沟通绩效考核情况 .. 44
5.3.2 及时反馈绩效考核结果 .. 44
5.4 将绩效考核上升到公司管理层面45
5.4.1 员工的薪酬激励 ........ 45
5.4.2 公司的战略管理 ........ 45
5.5 员工绩效考核结果的运用 ..... 46
5.5.1 绩效考核结果在日常管理中运用 ...... 46
5.5.2 绩效考核结果在公司管理中运用 ...... 46
第 6 章 总结与展望 ...... 48
6.1 总结48
6.2 展望 ..
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