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的损害,并以此为出发点 出本研究的研究目标和研究价值,简要介绍论文的研究框
道德型负面曝光事件及其相关关系,并梳理国内外学者 出的品牌资产模型、分析品
的基础上,构建本研究的品牌资产研究模型,并根据模型 出相关假设。在研究过程
析。在结果分析阶段,论文采用 ROST CM6 词频分析软件对评论进行样本特征分析、
依据构建的分析类目进行详细分析,从而证明或证伪本研究所 出的研究假设。同时,
With the rapid development of science and technology, the arrival of the new media era,
the speed of information dissemination has been greatly improved. Once enterprise appears
morality-related negative publicity, its high speed and wide scope of transmission bring
profound influence to brand equity. Such as Baidu Wei Zexi event, Shenzhou car refused
to black car poster event, Apple sweatshop events and so on. Today&39;s consumers concerned
about business ethics increasingly, the tolerance of enterprise immoral behavior is getting
smaller and smaller. However, previous studies on the effect of brand equity with negative
publicity mainly concentrated in the product level instead of moral level. The arrival of the
moral crisis will collapse the brand equity instantly which enterprises work hard for many
years. Therefore, in the case of morality-related negative publicity appear frequently, it is
increasingly important to study the effect of brand equity with morality-related negative
Based on the above thinking, the literature research method, content analysis method
and empirical analysis method are used to analyze the Baidu Wei Zexi event which on the
Sina Weibo as the research sample, to study the effect of brand equity after the occurrence of
morality-related negative publicity.
The paper expounds the importance of the establishment of brand equity and the
damage of brand equity with morality-related negative publicity, puts forward the research
goal and research value of this study, briefly introduces the research framework and
technical route of the paper. Through combing the domestic and foreign literature, the paper
focuses on the study of enterprise ethics, brand equity, morality-related negative publicity
and their relationship, and summarizes the brand equity models proposed by domestic and
foreign scholars, analyzes the constituent dimensions of brand equity and the construction of
brand equity. Based on the theoretical achievements of domestic and foreign scholars,
constructs the brand equity model of this research., and put forward the relevant hypothesis
according to the model. In the course of the study, sample collection is carried out first, and
then the analytical categories are constructed according to the research contents, and the广东工业大学硕士学位论文
reliability analysis of the samples is carried out. In the stage of result analysis, ROST CM6 is
used to analyze the characteristic of the sample, word frequency, semantic network and
emotion. And then according to the word frequency analysis results for high-frequency
vocabulary coding and classification, and based on the analysis of the type of detailed
analysis, proving the hypothesis or not. Moreover, the paper verifies the above results with
empirical analysis method. Finally, through the analysis of the research results, the paper
provides the coping strategies after the occurrence of morality-related negative publicity. The
results of this study are as follows:(1) After enterprise appears morality-related negative
publicity, the perceived quality, brand association, brand loyalty will be damaged, leading to
decline in brand equity.(2) There is a hierarchical relationship between brand equity, brand
association has a positive impact on perceived quality, perceived quality has a positive
impact on brand loyalty, and brand association has a positive impact on brand loyalty. The
study found that brand equity began in consumer association and quality awareness, the
formation of brand loyalty, and then access to brand equity.
The innovation of this research is: (1) There are few relative studies on the
morality-related negative publicity at home and abroad, most scholars have studied the
product-related negative publicity, and the field of research on the effect of brand equity with
morality-related negative publicity is relatively blank, but this study will fill the gaps in the
field of research.(2) Most of the research on the effect of brand equity is based on empirical
analysis, and the questionnaire is used to explore the argument, but few scholars used
content analysis method. The paper uses a combination of content analysis and empirical
analysis, it is possible to overcome the subjectivity of qualitative research and inaccuracies
and other defects, the sample material to achieve a deeper, more accurate understanding.
Keywords: Morality-related; Negative Publicity; Brand Equity; Effect目 录
目 录
目 录...V
第一章 绪论....1
1.1 研究背景 ........ 1
1.2 研究意义 ........ 3
1.3 研究方法 ........ 4
1.4 研究内容与框架 ........ 5
1.5 可能的创新之处 ........ 7
第二章 文献综述........8
2.1 企业伦理 ....
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