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Motivation is an important part of human resources, refers to stimulate the
psychological process of human behavior. Incentive in management, is to stimulate the
initiative of employees, enthusiasm, to complete the task of the enterprise, to achieve the
objectives of the enterprise. One of the most important problems in the modern enterprise
human resource management is how to use the incentive mechanism to increase the
satisfaction of the employees, to reach the performance goal and to promote the
development of the enterprise. Based on the analysis of the theory of incentive
mechanism, this paper studies the incentive mechanism of SG hydraulic engineering
supervision company.Through the questionnaire survey of current situation of incentive
mechanism of SG company to understand and analysis deeply, find out the existing
problems of the incentive mechanism of SG company, and according to the actual
situation of the incentive theory and the combination of SG company, from the salary and
welfare, career planning, promotion and training, performance appraisal, corporate
culture construction and other aspects of the improvement of scientific and rational
optimization, in order to solve the existing unreasonable incentive mechanism, perfect a
set of suitable for the company&39;s incentive mechanism, effective incentive for scientific
and reasonable supervision talent, to retain talent, attract talent, motivate employees to
work enthusiasm and initiative, to promote sustained and stable development of the
company&39;s purpose. This paper is an attempt and exploration of the incentive system
management of water conservancy supervision enterprises. This research has some
theoretical and practical significance for the improvement, optimization and application
of the incentive mechanism.
Key words: Incentive Mechanism; Project supervision; SG CompanyI
目 录
第一章 绪论
·1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究目的与意义1
1.2.1 研究目的1
1.2.2 研究意义1
1.3 国内外激励机制研究现状2
1.3.1 国外激励机制研究现状·2
1.3.2 国内激励机制研究现状·3
1.4 研究内容5
1.5 研究方法5
1.5.1 案例研究法··5
1.5.2 调查法·6
1.5.3 理论与实践相结合的研究方法 ·6
1.5.4 文献研究法··6
1.6 论文框架6
1.7 研究创新点··7
第二章 激励机制理论概述
2.1 激励的内涵··8
2.2 激励的特点和意义··8
2.3 激励机制的含义9
2.4 激励机制相关理论··9
2.4.1 需求层次理论 ·9
2.4.2 成就需要理论 ··10
2.4.3 公平理论·10
2.4.4 强化理论·10
第三章 SG 公司的概况
··3.1 公司的发展状况·11
3.2 公司的组织结构·11
3.3 公司的员工概况·12
3.4 公司的经营业绩·14II
3.5 公司文化 14
3.6 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司态势与公司的竞争形势 ·· 14
3.7 SG 水利工程监理公司特性分析· 15
第四章 公司激励机制现状调查
·4.1 公司激励机制现状调查· 17
4.1.1 调查目的· 17
4.1.2 调查问卷设计·· 17
4.1.3 调查对象选择·· 17
4.1.4 调查实施过程·· 17
4.1.5 调查数据整理·· 18
4.1.6 重要调查结果分析 18
4.2 公司激励机制存在的主要问题分析 22
4.2.1 薪酬设计和薪酬制度不合理 22
4.2.2 福利保障制度不健全 ·· 24
4.2.3 缺乏员工职业规划 24
4.2.4 员工晋升存在不公平的现象 25
4.2.5 培训制度、内容上存在许多问题· 25
4.2.6 绩效考核制度不合理 ·· 25
4.2.7 企业文化建设激励的作用不足·· 26
第五章 SG 公司激励机制改进策略
5.1 建立科学的、合理的薪酬激励机制 27
5.2 健全员工福利保障制度··
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