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JETRO Invest Japan Report 2017 The government outlined its target of increasing inward foreign direct investment stock to 35 trillion yen by 2020 by inviting foreign companies, in order to attract excellent human resources and technologies to Japan for creation of employment and innovation. Inward foreign direct investment stock exceeded 20 trillion yen in 2014 for the frst time and reached 27.8 trillion yen, increasing by 12.4% year-on-year, achieving the historical high for the third consecutive year at the end of 2016. The policy target that was thought too ambitious at frst has now become feasible. Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Japan is now showing a qualitative change: (1) establishment of research and development (R&D) centers (2) expansion of investment from Asia and (3) attention to tourism business in response to rapidly increasing foreign tourists visiting Japan: these are key words of the recent trend, where activities are further increasing. In addition, there are new moves to contribute to solution of problems that Japan which is called a “frontrunner in overcoming global challenges” is facing, by using IoT (Internet of Things), AI (artificial intelligence) and other latest technologies of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution. With the expansion of e-commerce, there are also investments in establishing procurement bases in Japan, which is expected to help in the development of overseas markets by Japanese companies. For further expansion and acceleration of FDI in Japan, among other things, the country must continue to be an attractive market. ”Business friendliness” is one of the important factors. In recent years, the government has realized various reforms including “bedrock regulations” reform, lowering of the corporation tax rate and strengthening of corporate governance. Furthermore, in the “Growth Strategy 2017” (Cabinet Decision on June 9, 2017), the government announced a new reform policy free of the existing framework from the viewpoint of enterprises, which includes a regulatory sandbox system to encourage development of business models through trial and error in order to foster new innovative businesses and a 20% reduction in administrative procedure cost. Based on the efforts of Abenomics, the investment environment in Japan is steadily improving combined with turn-up of major economic indicators. Foreign-affliated companies doing business in Japan become aware of these changes and many of them are actually planning to increase investment in Japan. However, one of the major business challenges for foreign-affliated companies is the diffculty in securing human resources in Japan. The Japanese Green Card for Highly- Skilled Foreign Professionals system established in this spring i

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