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彩票销售数据得出其发展现况和存在问题,运用 SWOT 分析总结其优势、劣势、威胁
Lottery is licensed to issue and sold according to law for raising social welfare funds,
developing sports undertakings and promoting the development of public welfare
undertakings. The development direction and pattern of all walks of life have changed
with rapid development of electronic information technology. As akind of special
commodity, lottery is also affected by the rise of the Internet, and a new sales channel
which followthe trend of development was born, paperless lottery.Sports lottery has a
good salesin Shandong Province, and its entity sales channel is mature. But pressure of
entity sales channel increase with costs of labor and rent constant increasing.So Shandong
sports lottery management center is actively innovating and put forwardpaperless lottery
sales channels in 2015, and paperless lottery sales work is in the forefront of the country.
The work is in the exploratory stage and has not yet formed a mature operating system, so
it is necessary to study the operation mode and system of Shandong Province sports
lottery paperless sales.
A large number of first-hand information are acquired in the paper by access method
and questionnaire. This paper draws the present situation and existing problems of
paperless sports lottery combined with Shandong Province paperless sport lottery sales
data, and analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, threats and opportunities of paperless
lottery using SWOT. The paper put forward suggestions on constructing the marketing
system of paperless sport lottery in Shandong Province from 6 aspects including
construction of the legal system, security support system, the owners incentive system,
multi-level product system, and customer-related integrated sales system, problem
customer prevention system through learning from domestic and international lottery
industry development experience, and has strong operability and feasibility.
Key words : lottery ;paperless lottery;Integrated marketing;operating system目 录
第一章 导论·1
1.1 研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 研究的基本内容 ·1
1.3 研究框架 ·2
1.4 文献综述 ·2
1.4.1 国外彩票业发行现况 ··2
1.4.2 我国彩票业发行现况 ··4
1.4.3 无纸化彩票运营策略 ··5
1.4.4 综述 5
第二章 彩票管理的相关概念及理论·6
2.1 相关概念 ·6
2.1.1 彩票的概念 ·6
2.1.2 无纸化彩票的概念 ·6
2.1.3 我国彩票管理体制 ·6
2.2 相关理论 ·8
2.2.1 供应链理论 8
2.2.2 SWOT 理论 8
2.3 彩票运营相关理论 ··9
2.3.1 彩票运营供应链理论 ··9
2.3.2 彩票运营的 SWOT 分析 ·10
第三章 山东省体彩无纸化彩票运营体系现状分析 13
3.1 我国无纸化彩票发展概述 13
3.2 山东省体彩概述 ·14
3.3 山东省体彩无纸化彩票发展现况 16
3.4 山东省无纸化彩票的彩民群体分析 ··18
3.5 山东省体彩无纸化彩票发展困境 203.6 山东省体彩无纸化发展的重要性和必然性 ··21
3.6.1 成熟的外部环境 ··21
3.6.2 亟需创新发展的内部需求 ·25
3.7 山东省体彩无纸化彩票 SWOT 分析 ·25
第四章 山东省体彩无纸化彩票运营体系构建建议 28
4.1 完善无纸化彩票的法律体系 28
4.2 健全无纸化彩票安全支撑体系 ·28
4.2.1 确保手机在线应用软件安全 28
4.2.2 建立内部保密制度 ·29
4.2.3 建立风险应急预案 ··29
4.3 构建实体网点推广无纸化彩票的激励体系 ··30
4.3.1 鼓励业主创新思路,网点多元化发展 30
4.3.2 推广无纸化彩票激励措施 ··30
4.4 构建多层次的产品体系 ··30
4.4.1 优化即开型彩票新玩法 30
4.4.2 开放全部体彩玩法 ·32
4.4.3 打造不同于实体网点的竞彩玩法 ··33
4.5 构建与顾客关联的整合营销体系 34
4.5.1 广告分类投放营销 ·34
4.5.2 定位顾客群体,配合精准营销 35
4.5.3 构建健全的互动体系 ·36
4.6 构建问题彩民防范体系 ·37
第五章 结论及研究展望 ··39
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