BEIDAIHE NEW DISTRICT CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN 北戴河新区概念规划 1 VISION 愿景 五台山国际度假酒店概念设计 Wutai Mountain Resort Hotel&Villas July 30 VISION 愿景 以高端,生态,可持续发展的复合开发为主题,创造国家级的旅游休闲度假区。 Themes as high-end, ecological and sustainable mixed use development, create the national tourism leisure resort destination. 五台山国际度假酒店概念设计 Wutai Mountain Resort Hotel&Villas July 30 VISION 愿景 创造北戴河新区的文化娱乐中心,确立具有特色的主题和风格,建立别具一格的场所感和标志性。 Create the culture and entertainment centre for Beidaihe New district, which the community will be recognized and has unique sense of place. 五台山国际度假酒店概念设计 Wutai Mountain Resort Hotel&Villas July 30 VISION 愿景 建立一个综合的新市镇中心,集合文化,创意,体验,休闲,商业,娱乐,居住等多重功能,为北戴河新区提供全方位的服务。 Create a new mixed use tourism town centre, which has the culture, creativity, leisure, commercial, entertainment and residential to provide the full service to the Beidaihe New District. 五台山国际度假酒店概念设计 Wutai Mountain Resort Hotel&Villas July 30 VISION 愿景 创造针对特定市场和客户群的度假与居住物业; Create specific resort and residential properties that meet the specific requirements of the target market and client. 五台山国际度假酒店概念设计 Wutai Mountain Resort Hotel&Villas July 30 VISION 愿景 综合酒店、高层海景公寓、多层花园洋房、小户型度假别墅、类别墅等多种物业产品类型,营造多样生动的社区内部空间; Multiple property types including hotel, seaview apartment, garden flats, resort villa etc, create a vivid community space. 五台山国际度假酒店概念设计 Wutai Mountain Resort Hotel&Villas July 30 VISION 愿景 根据市场需求,结合基地特性,利用丰富的河景海景资源,设计涵盖合酒店、高层海景公寓、多层花园洋房、小户型度假别墅、类别墅等丰富多样化的居住及度假产品。并针对特定高端客户群,为其度身定制特有产品。 Based on the market demand, combined with site features, maximize the sea and river source, design various resort and residential products. And tailor the specific products for the special high-end customer. July 30 VISION 愿景 充分利用海岸线及河岸线价值,通过合理规划结构增加内部地块的物业价值 Maximize the value of coast and riverfront, setting up a rational planning framework to increase the property value inside 。。。。。。以上简介无排版格式,详细内容请下载查看