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Hangzhou has entered into the city of ageing population since 1998, 12 years
earlier than average level of China. Hangzhou has already been into a rapid ageing
population development period. By the end of , the population of elderly aged 60
and above is 1,450,000, accounting for 20.3% of the total population. Aging
acceleration and the change of family structure make pension become a social
This article focuses on the residential satisfaction of people living in senior
housing real estate. Based on literature review, we use aquestionnaire method study
the residential satisfaction of people living in senior housing real estate and the
existing problems from four dimensions, which is individual characters, housing
characters, community characters and residence satisfaction. According to the
problems we find, we put forward some developing advices.
As the results shows, gentle environment and excellent facilities are the common
qualities of the real estate projects. Meanwhile, traffic problems are the common
trouble. The results show that residence satisfaction of elder people is different among
different community.The present senior housing real estates in Hangzhou mostly
focus on medium-to-high end clients, the facilities are in good function in general.
However the daily life care and other services they promised are not as good as those
facilities in some early programs. The bottleneck problems of senior real estate
development are property selling difficulties, blurry profit pattern, lack of industry
support, little policy support, high requirements of developers’ professional skills and
comprehensive abilities, and the limited economic level ofclients. The author believes
that the future real estate development should start from the project itself, to solve the
traffic problems, improve the level of service, do a good job of software services and
hardware facilities coordination.Then pay attention to the transformation of thinking,
turn the project to the industry, turnthe professionto the career, and develop diversified
strategies to ease the plight of profitability. Last but not least, the government should
intensify policy support to reduce development risk.
Keywords: senior housing real estate, residence satisfaction, advice, Hangzhou,,,
目 录
摘要 ....I
ABSTRACT ...........II
1 绪论 ..1
1.1 选题背景..1
1.1.1 人口老龄化加剧....1
1.1.2 政府重视关注......1
1.2 选题的意义和目的......2
1.3 国内外相关研究........3
1.3.1 养老房产研究综述..3
1.3.2 居住满意度研究综述9
1.3.3 相关理论基础.....11
1.4 研究内容及方法.......13
1.4.1 研究内容.........13
1.4.2 拟解决的主要问题.13
1.4.3 研究方法.........13
2 养老房产的类型和模式..........15
2.1 养老房产的概念和类型.15
2.1.1 养老房产概念.....15
2.1.2 养老房产类型.....15
2.1.3 居住满意度概念与测量.........17
2.2 国内外养老模式分析...17
2.2.1 美国养老模式.....17
2.2.2 日本养老模式.....24
2.2.3 中国养老模式.....25
3 杭州养老房产发展概况..........29
3.1 杭州市人口老龄化基本情况.........29
3.2 杭州市养老房产开发现状...........30
3.3 杭州民营养老房产案例.32
3.3.1 金色年华.........32
3.3.2 万科良渚文化村随园嘉树.......34
3.3.3 盛和居紫荆园老年养生公寓.....36,9
4 杭州市养老房产居住满意度研究..39
4.1 研究设计.39
4.1.1 研究方法.........39
4.1.2 居住满意度指标选择...........39
4.2 数据分析.40
4.2.1 调研对象与范围...40
4.2.2 样本基本情况.....40
4.2.3 样本住房情况.....42
4.2.4 样本居住满意度分析...........45
4.3 基本结论.57
4.3.1 问卷调查结论.....57
4.3.2 负责人访谈结论...58
5 对策建议 .........61
5.1 项目规划设计解决交通问题.........61
5.2 提高配套设施水平满足生理心理需求.61
5.3 培育专业人员拓展产业链、攻克服务短板.........61
5.4 多元化策略缓解盈利困境...........62
5.5 政策支持降低开发风险.63
5.5.1 加快编制养老房产发展专项规划.63
5.5.2 金融创新拓宽融资渠道.........63
5.5.3 提供有效的土地保障...........64
5.5.4 实行税费优惠政策.65
5.5.5 加强制度建设,优化发展环境...65
6 结论与展望 .......67
参考文献 ...........69
附 录 .75
致 谢 .839
图 4.1 金色年华小区居住满意度情况...........47
图 4.2 万科随园嘉树居住满意度情况...........48
图 4.3 盛和居紫荆园居住满意度情况...........49
图 4.4 总体满意度分布对比.......50
图 4.5 项目区位满意度分布对比...50
图 4.6 公共交通满意度分布对比...51
图 4.7 周边环境满意度分布对比...51
图 4.8 工程质量满意度分布对比...52
图 4.9 户型设计满意度分布对比...52
图 4.10 隔音效果满意度分布对比..53
图 4.11 家务料理满意度分布对比..53
图 4.12 小区环境卫生满意度分布对比..........54
图 4.13 日常生活照料满意度分布对比..........54
图 4.14 医疗护理服务满意度分布对比..........55
图 4.15 食堂服务满意度分布对比..55
图 4.16 健身器材满意度分布对比..56
图 4.17 棋牌室等娱乐设施满意度分布对比......56
表 3.1 杭州市 60 岁及以上老年人口情况 ......29
表 3.2 杭州市养老机构建设情况 .31
表 4.1 居住满意度指标解释说明 .40
表 4.2 调研样本基本情况 .......41
表 4.3 样本所住公寓面积情况 ...42
表 4.4 样本居住年份情况 .......43
表 4.5 样本同住人数情况 .......43
表 4.6 样本产权方式情况 .......44
表 4.7 样本所在楼层情况 .......44
表 4.8 样本总体居住满意度情况 .45
表 4.9 各小区居住满意度情况 ...469,
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