现代农业是相对于传统农业而言,它是广泛应用现代科学技术、科学管理方 法和现代工业提供的生产工具、生产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司进行的社会化农业。.本文对羊圈子镇政 府结合现有实际情况,规划整理土地2500亩,计划从羊圏子镇农民手中粗得土地 用于设施化香瓜产业建设的可行性进行分析研究。 文章首先从选题的背景及必要性入手,介绍现代农业的特点,其次阐述了羊 圈子镇现有情况及其发展需要进行了概括。从市场需求及竞争力分析了香瓜产业 的市场结构。接着从建设规模和技术方案分析了项目建设的可行性。 研究结论主要有以下三点: 1、增加农民收入。通过本项目的实施,羊圈子镇地区扩大了特色甜瓜种植 面积,促进了优势农产品规模化生产,带动了特色甜瓜产业的发展,增加了农民 的收入,加快了农民致富的步伐,同时项目建设还有利于农业专业合作社的发展。 2、调整产业结构。该项目将成为羊圈子镇农业经济支柱产业的重要组成部分, 是调整农业结构,促进农业产业化发展的重要举措,具有促进地方农村经济发展 的现实意义,该项目还可以改善生态环境、农民增收、专业合作社收益并举的生 态意义和社会效益。 3、改变农业经营模式。该项目实施后,通过规模化的经营和管理,形成羊圈 子镇合作社机制,改变原有的家庭式种植模式,提高了羊圈子镇香瓜品牌的品质 和竞争能力,较好地弥补了羊圈子镇地区现有的农业发展模式中的不足之处,也 从根本上改变了传统农业的经营模式,开辟了高产、高效、环保农业的新途径。 关键词:设施化;香瓜产业;可行性 Abstract Modern agriculture is in contrast to traditional agriculture is concernecL it is widely offered by modern science and technology and scientific management methods, and modern industrial means of production, means of socialization of agriculture. This goat town government collaborated with the existing realities, 2500 acres of land planning consolidation plans from sheep town farmers rent land for construction of facilities of a cantaloupe industry feasibility study. Firstly, the background and necessity of topics from the start, describes the characteristics of modern agriculture, followed by sheep circle describes the existing situation and development needs of the town have been summarized. From the analysis of market demand and competitiveness of the cantaloupe industry's market structure. Then the scale of construction and technical solutions from analysis of the feasibility of the project construction. There are about three main conclusions: 1,Increase farmers' income. Through the implementation of the project, sheep circle area has expanded features melon acreage contributed to large-scale production of superior agricultural products, drives the development of characteristics of muskmelon industry, increasing farmers ,income, accelerate the pace of farmers and project construction is also conducive to the development of agricultural cooperatives, 2,The adjustment of industrial structure. The project will become an important part of the agricultural economy of sheep circle the pillar industry of the town is an important measure to adjust the agricultural structure, promote the development of agricultural industrialization, has practical significance to promote local rural economic development, the project can also improve the ecological environment, farmers' income, the income of both cooperatives ecological significance and social benefits. ii 3,Changes in farmers' business model. After implementation of the project, through the scale of operation and management, improve the quality and competitiveness of the sheep circle the town a cantaloupe, better make up the sheep circle area of the existing deficiencies in the model of agricultural development, fundamentally changing the business models of conventional agriculture, opening up a new approach to high yield, high efficiency and environmentally friendly agriculture. Keywords: Facilities ; cantaloupe industry; feasibility ill 目录目录 m m i Abstract II 第一章项目建设背景和必要性 1 i.i项目概况 1 1.2项目简介 1 1.3琐目建设背景 ‘ 2 1.4项目建设的可行性和必要性 3 第二章市场分析及预测 6 2.1市场需求分析 6 2.2市场竞争力分析 6 2.3项目运营模式分析 7 2. 4经济优势分析.…. 7. 2.5市场营销策略 8 第三章场址选择 10 3.1场址位置 10 3.2场址建设条件 10 第四章建设规模与产品技术方案 ..:..11 第五章工程技术方案 ...15 5.1 工程方案 15 5.2配套工程 17 第六章环境保护 18 6.1环境保护设计依据 18 6.2项目对环境的影响 18 第七章劳动安全、消防与节能 22 7.1劳动安全和卫生 22 7.2消防 22 7. 3节能 23 第八章项目组织与管理 25 第九章项目实施进度 26 第十章投资估算与资金筹措 27 10.1投资估算 27 10.2资金筹措 27 第十一章财务经济效益分析 28 第十二章结论与建议