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论文第 1 章,绪论。结合淅川县具体情况,探讨论文研究目的,分析论文研
容、研究思路和研究方法。第 2 章,农村供水管理相关理论分析。进一步明确农
立论文的理论分析框架,为农村供水管理模式的建立提供理论指导。第 3 章,淅
建立提供依据,并进一步确定农村供水管理模式建立的相关指标。第 4 章,淅川

第 5 章,淅川县农村供水发展策略分析。农村供水工程的建设和运营管理是一个
业化团队进行维护和管理,通过法律法规等手段提高监督质量和水平。第 6 章,

Study on the Rural Water Supply
Management Mode & Development
Strategy of Xichuan County
At present, China's rural area part of the water supply facilities is insufficient, the
early construction of water supply facilities need to create, maintain or rebuild,
because of a lack of funds, some water engineering facilities are not built, unable to
form a complete water supply system. There were some good water supply projects in
rural areas, which were affected by the shortage of funds and the improper
management, couldn’t play the economic value. With the rapid development of rural
economy, rural water consumption increased, water shortage is also restricted to the
current rapid development of the rural economy, so it is urgent to improve the safety
management of rural water supply, accelerating urban and rural integration of water
construction development. Construction and management of rural water supply
project of security covers a wide range, step by step according to local conditions,
which could not be immediate, urgent task of building. The specific operation were
relatively complicated, most of the rural water supply management models didn’t
really set up and play its due effect.
Based on the research of Xichuan County Rural water supply management mode
and development strategy, to provide policy basis and decision reference for Xichuan
County Rural water conservancy development. The first chapter is introduction.
Combined with the specific circumstances of Xichuan Discussion papers purpose,
thesis analyzes theoretical and practical significance, and further studies are
summarized at home and abroad, presented research papers, research ideas and
research methods. The contents of the paper, research ideas and research methods.
The second chapter, the relevant theoretical analysis of rural water supply
management. To further clarify the safety of drinking water and the development of
the rural economy, the relationship between the management mode, and through the
system of management methods, to establish the theoretical framework, providing
theoretical guidance for the establishment of rural water supply management mode.
The third chapter, analysis of the basic situation of Xichuan County Rural water
supply management. This part mainly expounds the specific situation of Xichuan
County Rural water supply management, through the analysis of the rhythm the basic华北水利水电大学硕士学位论文
situation of Xichuan county rural water supply management, discusses the existing
rural water management in the specific problems in the management, and through the
operation of the existing engineering analysis, provide the basis for the establishment
of rural water supply management mode, and further to determine the relevant
indicators to establish rural water supply management mode. In the fourth chapter, the
construction of Xichuan County Rural water supply management mode in villages and
towns and ecological park, business oriented, linked with the economic interests of
villagers, to form a common goal, effective maintenance of the water supply network.
In order to ensure the project runs well without debt. The fifth chapter analyzes the
Xichuan County Rural water supply development strategy. The rural water supply
project construction and operation management is a wide range of projects, the future
also need to strengthen and improve continuously, such as protection of water sources,
to attract professional team to carry out maintenance and management, by means of
laws and regulations to improve the quality and level of the supervision. The last
chapter is summary and outlook. The full text were summarized, summarized the
innovation point of the research, points out the problems existing in the research and
further points out the focus and direction of future study on management mode of
rural water supply.
KEY WORDS: Xichuan County; Rural Water Supply; Management Mode;
Development Strategy第 1 章 绪论目 录
ABSRACT ..........III
第 1 章 绪论..........3
1.1 研究背景3
1.2 选题目的和研究意义....4
1.2.1 选题目的4
1.2.2 研究意义4
1.3 国内外研究现状5
1.3.1 国外关于农村供水管理的相关研究....5
1.3.2 国内关于农村供水管理的相关研究....6
1.4 研究内容和研究方法....6
1.4.1 主要研究内容....6
1.4.2 主要研究方法....7
1.4.3 本文的技术路线8
第 2 章 研究的相关理论分析......9
2.1 基本概念的界定9
2.1.1 农村饮水安全的概念和内涵....9
2.1.2 农村供水管理的概念和内涵....9
2.2 农村供水管理的相关理论分析..........10
2.2.1 农村供水管理的多元化投融资主体理论分析..........10
2.2.2 农村供水管理的规模化建设理论分析..........13
2.2.3 农村供水管理的一体化运营理论分析..........14
第 3 章 淅川县农村供水基本情况分析15
3.1 淅川县农村供水概况..15
3.1.1 淅川县农村供水历史情况......15
3.1.2 淅川县农村供水工程现状......15
3.2 农村供水管理机制和工程运行管理现状.......17
3.2.1 管理机构设置及人员现状......17
3.2.2 水价及水费收取情况..19
3.2.3 维修养护基金等状况分析......19
3.2.4 水质监测及水质保护..20
3.3 淅川县农村供水管理主要问题..........20
3.3.1 多元化投融资方面......20
3.3.2 规模化建设方面..........23
3.3.3 一体化运营方面..........25
第 4 章 淅川县农村供水管理模式构建27
4.1 淅川县农村供水管理的基本模式......27
4.1.1 基本管理模式构建的原则......27
4.1.2 基本模式管理模式构建..........28
4.2 淅川县农村供水多元化投融资管理模式......29
4.2.1 农村供水基本投融资模式对比分析..29
4.2.2 淅川县农村供水多元化投融资管理模式构建..........31
4.3 淅川县农村供水规模化建设管理模式..........33
4.3.1 农村供水基本规模化建设模式分析..33
4.3.2 淅川县农村供水规模化建设模式构建..........33
4.4 淅川县农村供水一体化运营管理模式..........35
4.4.1 农村供水基本运营模式分析..35
4.4.2 淅川县农村供水一体化运营管理模式构建..35
第 5 章 淅川县农村供水发展策略........37
5.1 健全多元化投融资保障机制..37
5.1.1 继续转变政府职责......37
5.1.2 健全水利投资风险约束机制..37

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