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就交通银行甘肃省分行来看, 年逾期贷款 6.67 亿元,占比 2.42%,较
年初上升了 1.31 个百分点,考虑对部分逾期贷款进行了重组,此类贷款预期到
关键词:甘肃交通银行;贷款审查;人员招聘;优化MBA 学位论文 作者:韩潇 交通银行甘肃省分行贷审人员招聘管理体系优化研究
Bank lending is the main asset business of banks, and also the main source of profit for banks.
In recent years, due to the macro economic downturn, the industry structural contradictions
highlighted, significantly enhance the risk of loans, overdue bank loans, non-performing rate
continues to rise, according to thefive major state-owned bank annual report, NPL ratio is at
the beginning of last year in varying degrees up, all over the 1%, the control of non-performing
loans has become an important indicator of the level of consideration of banks.
Is Gansu Province branch of Bank of communications,years overdue loans 6.67 billion
yuan, accounted for than 2.42%, compared to the beginning of the year rose 1.31 percentage
points, consider restructuring on the part of the overdue loans, such loans is expected after the
expiration of the full return of less likely, the whole actual overdue rate higher than the current
figures show, the quality of credit assets management facing a grim situation.
And the risk of bank loans to the control, mainly rely on the front end of the customer
manager of the loan before the survey, and the back end of the loan review of the examination and
approval of the staff. Due to the frequent customer manager in recent years leave, quit, a large
number of the backbone has been basically turnover, the stock status of the remaining customer
manager basically for the working time is short, lacking business knowledge, risk awareness is
missing. Consider the cultivation of this part of the crowd and mature non overnight can be
realized, so from the point of view of the actual effect, inspector loan and post loan investigation
has gradually developed the top priority for the quality management of bank loans. As a result of a
large number of contacts, the potential risks have a direct understanding of the loan access, design
audit play a gatekeeper role, is the most direct control of non-performing loans, the most effective
one. At the same time, it is also able to strengthen business training to customer managers, to help
them improve their business ability and risk awareness. Currently facing the problem is different
from other people of relatively perfect system of recruitment, hiring censors most by the head of
the Department from the row according to the usual impression direct selection, recruitment
system is simple and casual, the lack of a scientific and quantitative criteria, and recruitment
channels as compared to the single, also review staff positions itself is based on various reasons of
turnover phenomenon, for the stability of the team, business continuity has certain influence. So
this thesis writing for the bank loan review staff this particular job, in summarizing the recruitment
of relevant historical documents based on, combined with human resource management,
organizational behavior, psychology and management science theory to conduct the research. In
view of the problems existing in Gansu bank examiner recruitment and through investigatingMBA 学位论文 作者:韩潇 交通银行甘肃省分行贷审人员招聘管理体系优化研究
examples design the examiner employed optimization scheme, from recruitment planning,
personnel selection criteria, recruitment channels, process, interview skills, recruitment tools for
optimization and improvement.
The ultimate purpose of this research is to improve banking on the risk control ability, and
the background of the current economic situation of bank asset quality control requirements of the
continuous improvement of consistent, also conforms to the Bank of communications, deepen the
reform of state-owned enterprises, the development of mixed ownership economy, realize the
development pattern of the innovations in systems and mechanisms, so it has certain practical
Key words:Gansu Province branch of Bank of communications; credit review; recruitment;
optimizationMBA 学位论文 作者:韩潇 交通银行甘肃省分行贷审人员招聘管理体系优化研究
1.1 选题背景和研究意义...7
1.1.1 选题背景......7
1.1.2 研究意义......8
1.2 研究思路和主要内容..........9
1.2.1 研究思路......9
1.2.2 研究方法....10
1.2.3 研究创新点10
2.1 招聘的概念........11
2.2 招聘的流程........12
2.3 招聘原则13
2.4 招聘的影响因素...........13
2.4.1 招聘的外部影响因素....... 13
2.4.2 招聘的内部影响因素....... 14
2.4.3 影响招聘的个人因素....... 15
2.5 招聘的方法和甄选的策略....16
2.5.1 招聘的方法16
2.5.2 招聘中的甄选策略........... 18
3.1 交通银行甘肃省分行贷审人员人力构成19
3.1.1 组织架构....19
3.1.2 人力总体情况........20
3.1.3 员工的年龄结构和行龄结构....... 21
3.1.4 员工的学历结构和专业结构....... 22
3.2 交通银行甘肃省分行贷审人员招聘现状分析...23
3.2.1 招聘理念及招聘权限....... 23
3.2.2 招聘流程....24
3.2.3 近年来离职人员及招聘情况....... 25
3.3 交通银行甘肃省分行贷审人员招聘存在的问题分析.27
3.3.1 贷审人员及主管对招聘管理存在问题的访谈设计.......27
3.3.2 访谈信息分析........28
3.3.3 贷审人员招聘管理存在的问题分析.......29MBA 学位论文 作者:韩潇 交通银行甘肃省分行贷审人员招聘管理体系优化研究
4.1 交通银行甘肃省分行贷审人员招聘体系改进目标......32
4.2 交通银行甘肃省分行贷审人员招聘体系的优化方案.33
4.2.1 优化人力资源规划........... 33
4.2.2 甄选标准的优化... 35
4.2.3 招聘渠道的优化... 40
4.2.4 招聘流程的优化... 42
4.2.5 招聘工具的运用... 43
5.1 领导层面的保障...........45
5.2 人资部门的保障...........45
5.3 用人部门的保障...........46
5.4 培训方面的保障...........46
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