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摘 要
场也得到了快速发展,市场竞争也日趋激烈。TC 公司专业从事汽车

本文以 TC 公司汽车座椅的营销策略作为研究对象,基于相关的
根据 PSET 理论和波特五力分析模型对 TC 公司的外部营销环境进行
分析;其次,运用 SWOT 对 TC 公司的运营情况进行分析,总结出
TC 公司所具有的优势和劣势以及面对的机遇和威胁;最后,在上述
分析的基础上,运用 4PS 方法制定了 TC 公司汽车座椅的营销策略,

关键词:汽车座椅,市场细分,PSET 理论,五力分析模型II
In recent years, with the rapid development of the automobile
industry and the automobile market, the domestic car seat market has also
been rapid development, market competition has become increasingly
fierce. TC company specializes in automotive seat development,
production, sales and service, the main products for construction
machinery seats, commercial vehicle seats and agricultural machinery
seat. As a company specializing in the production of vehicle seat of
listed companies, the new situation and new problems appeared during
the development of the competitive environment and the company at
home and abroad in the complex the marketing strategy must be with the
change of market environment and make appropriate adjustments, in
order to obtain a dominant position in the competition.
TC company as a specialized in the production of vehicle seat listing
Corporation , under the influence of the overall macroeconomic
environment in the country,the marketing strategy of company must
make adjustments.Therefore,this paper takes the marketing strategy of
TC company car seat as the research object,and based on the theory of
marketing,from the angle of market segmentation,first,using PSET
analysis theory and Michael Porter five forces model of external
marketing environment of TC company; secondly,using SWOT toIII
analyze the operation situation of TC company,the advantages and
disadvantages of TC company are obtained,and the opportunities and
threats faced by the company; Finally,on the basis of the above analysis,
making use of STP theory and 4PS theory to develop the marketing
strategy of TC company car seats. Besides ensuring implementation of
marketing strategy through four aspects, which are completing good
marketing top design, building scientific management system, enhancing
marketing team and carrying forward Lean Production.
Key Words:automobile seat,market segmentation,PSET analysis theory,
Michael Porter five forces modeIV
目 录
摘 要.....II
第一章 绪 论....1
1.1 选题背景与研究意义... 1
1.1.1 选题背景. 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2 国内外研究现状........... 3
1.2.1 国外研究现状..... 3
1.2.2 国内研究现状..... 4
1.3 研究思路、内容和方法........... 5
1.3.1 研究思路. 5
1.3.2 研究内容. 5
1.3.3 研究方法. 6
1.4 本章小结........... 6
第二章 汽车座椅及营销相关理论概述..........7
2.1 汽车座椅及其分类....... 7
2.2 汽车座椅营销的主要模式....... 8
2.2.1 经销商模式......... 8
2.2.2 一对一大客户营销模式. 9
2.2.3 跨国经营模式..... 9
2.3 营销的相关理论......... 10
2.3.1 企业竞争战略的分析工具....... 10
2.3.2 4PS 营销理论 ... 12
2.4 本章小结. 12
第三章 TC 公司汽车座椅营销环境与竞争能力分析 .........13
3.1 TC 公司概况及其汽车座椅的业务现状 ...... 13
3.1.1 TC 公司概况 .... 13
3.1.2 TC 公司汽车座椅业务现状与问题 .... 14
3.2 TC 公司汽车座椅营销环境分析 ...... 18
3.2.1 政治环境.......... 18
3.2.2 经济环境.......... 19
3.2.3 社会环境........... 19
3.2.4 技术环境.......... 20
3.3 TC 公司汽车座椅竞争能力分析 ...... 20
3.3.1 波特五力模型分析....... 20
3.3.2 TC 公司运营情况 SWOT 分析 ........... 23
3.4 本章小结......... 28
第四章 TC 公司汽车座椅营销策略设计 .....29
4.1 TC 公司市场细分 ...... 29
4.1.1 汽车座椅市场细分....... 29V
4.1.2 细分市场容量分析...... 29
4.2 市场定位与目标市场选择..... 32
4.2.1 整体市场定位... 32
4.2.2 各个细分市场定位与目标市场选择.. 33
4.3 TC 公司汽车座椅营销组合策略设计 .......... 34
4.3.1 产品组合策略... 35
4.3.2 价格策略.......... 39
4.3.3 渠道策略........... 41
4.3.4 促销策略.......... 43
4.4 本章小结......... 43
第五章 TC 公司汽车座椅营销策略实施的保障措施 .........44
5.1 做好市场营销顶层设计......... 44
5.2 构建科学管理驱动体系......... 45
5.3 加强营销队伍建设..... 46
5.4 推进精益生产方式..... 48
5.5 本章小结......... 49
第六章 结论与展望....50
致 谢....561

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