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年我国人均 GDP 更是达到了 8016 美元,传统的个人理财方式已经远
Wealth management is the result of economic development to a certain extent.
From the international experience,when per capital GDP reached $3000,household
wealth management needs start to generate.The more assets you have the more you
need wealth management.And these needs from high net worth clients are often to be
satisfied by private banks from the start,then the securities,insurance,trust funds and
other financial enterprises begin to pay attention to the development of wealth
management business,and thus promote the wealth management industry to have a
rapid progress deeply and broadly.The securities company which rely on the
traditional brokerage business previously transform to rely on the wealth
management accompanied by the deregulation of commission .Because deregulating
the trading commission means that the securities company's revenue will have a
sharp decline,which forces the securities companies to increase revenue to develop
new revenue channels.Driven by that, wealth management provides a promising
direction for the securities company.
By the end of ,China's per capital GDP had reached to $8016,the traditional
way of personal finance management has been not satisfied to the customer wealth
management need after such a substantial increase in their wealth
management.Especially with the rapid growth of the high net worth individuals in
recent years, these people put forward special needs for wealth management, such as
more professional,diversified and personalized wealth management.As the direct
participants connected to the capital market, securities company has its own unique
advantages in the development of wealth management process,and of course
securities company should should occupy a position in the wealth management
industry .
So,this paper explores the trajectory about the wealth management
development and growth from the historical view firstly,and summary the mature
experience systematically that brought to us;Secondly,the paper discusses the historyIII
and status of the development of the wealth management industry in our country,in
order to conclude the characteristic of the wealth management,the paper especially
select the banking industry which have the most customer groups and the securities
industry which have the close contact with the capital market to analyze.Finally,from
the current performance of the wealth management business development of securities
company,the paper analysis the existence of the problems,based on this
research,combined with the current laws and regulations of our country,the paper puts
forward the judgment and advice about the future direction ,the focus and the path of
the wealth management business.
Key words:securities company;wealth management;development suggestionIV
第一章 绪论......... 1
第一节 研究的背景和意义........1
一 研究的背景 . 1
二 财富管理研究的意义 ......... 1
第二节 研究的思路和方法........2
一 研究的思路 . 2
二 研究的方法 . 3
第三节 民生证券财富管理发展的历史3
第二章 民生证券财富管理存在的问题........... 6
第一节 民生证券财富管理存在的问题6
一 产品自主研发和代销产品引进能力不足.. 6
二 资讯产品内容和种类有待提高...... 6
三 现代化的信息技术投入不足.......... 7
四 人才培养、引进方面效果不佳...... 7
五 有型营业部的建设严重滞后.......... 7
六 薪酬体系有待完善 . 8
第三章 国内外财富管理发展的经验. 9
第一节 国外财富管理发展的经验........9
一 发展历史 ..... 9
二 美国财富管理发展历史...... 9
三 美国财富管理发展对我国的借鉴意义.... 15
第二节 国内财富管理发展的经验 17
一 发展历程 ... 17
二 发展潜力 ... 18
三 银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司财富管理模式 ....... 19 V
三 证券欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司财富管理模式.... 21
第四章 民生证券财富管理发展的策略建议...... 26
第一节 加快有型营业部的建设..........26
第二节 打造具有优势的信息技术系统..........27
一 公司网站的改版升级 ....... 28
二 手机 APP 的优化.. 29
三 推动智能投顾上线 ........... 29
四 升级客户服务平台系统.... 30
第三节 完善产品体系..30
第四节 客户分类系统化..........31
第五节 建立员工的培养储备体系......32
第六节 完善薪酬激励体系......34
第五章 结论........ 36
参考文献 37
个人简历 39
致 谢 401
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