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This work would never have come into existence on its own. The researcher is particularly

grateful for all the past studies that provided input in one way or the other into this work. It

would not suffice to mention them all on this page. In human terms, I thank Prof Chang

yaping for accepting me as his student. I am grateful to my Supervisor, Chang yaping for the

constructive review,guidance, and support that he provided throughout this work.

My thanks also go to Prof Yan Jun of school of management, who participated in reviewing

earlier draft of this work. And many other assistance she gave me in the production of this

work from the beginning to the end. I say thank you, and may the Lord replenish your efforts.

Special gratitude also goes to the anonymous managers and staffs of the SMEs that gave me

opportunity to interact with them,and obtain material for the completion of this study.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my parents Mr Selestine Ndyali and Alice

Ndyali, for the endless source of care, support and love they show me all these years. It's from

their good uprising that led me to meet my beloved husband and encouraged me in all path I


Mostly importantly, none of this would have been possible without the support, understanding

and patience of my husband Edgar Mtakwa and my daughter Victoria Mtakwa they've

rendered throughout the four-year period of study.

Above all,I am grateful and fully indebted to God Almighty for lending me breath and

sustained health to allow me to reach this point. I know in many ways, I had almost given up

but it gives me one more chance to contribute to this and say....

“Mungu wangu ni mwemo na muweza wayote ” TO GOD BE THE GLORY, Amen!


Lyata Ndyali




This study intended to investigate the factors that affect ecommerce adoption

in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the developing country context of

Tanzania. This is against a milieu of literature that investigated ecommerce adoption in

SMEs without much concern of surrounding socio-technical issues.

The research was undertaken using an interpretive paradigm by employing survey

methodology of 165 SMEs in Dar as salaam where 2 managers and 2 staffs from each

SME was inclusive for a survey sample of 660 Dar as salaam SMEs. The SMEs included

tourism sector, electronic and electric sector, service and maintenance sector, Electricity

and power sector, food production and packing sector, wood and its products, paper

products and printing both sector in manufacturing sector. Data collection tools and

techniques involved face-to-face semi-structured and unstructured interviews, telephone

interviews, website content analysis, and observations.

Conceptual framework was developed to capture elements from extant e-commerce

adoption literature that are defined in the research question. Data collected from each of

the SME’s was analyzed to present the findings based on the elements described

above. These elements include the following: 1) the nature and characteristic of the

business environment; 2) use of ICT and Web Applications; 3) managerial

characteristics and perception of e-commerce; 4) factors that affect ecommerce

adoption or the lack of it; 5) the interaction of the factors and how they determine

the level of e-commerce adoption; and 6) the role of the local business environment

(please put this detailed of the above in the chapter required). As well 36 barriers of e-

commerce adaptation which were gathered developed a detailed framework that guided

the researcher throughout the research. These 36 barriers were grouped into 6 which

included Organization barriers, Political barriers, Legal barriers, Social and culture

barriers, Economic barriers and Technical barriers

Several factors have been discussed and their impact on individual SMEs in the

sample. These are: managerial characteristics and perception of e-commerce adoption,


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