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场的宏观环境和欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争态势进行了政策和理论维度的分析,还原了 F 航空
公司竞争发展的市场环境;介绍了 F 航空公司发展历程、现状、存在问题及
成因,运用 SWOT 分析法对 F 航空公司在欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中所处的竞争优势、发展劣势、
战略机遇以及竞争威胁进行了剖析,为 F 航空公司确立新的战略导向和经营
思路,选择经营策略提供了理论和实践参考。基于竞争优势理论和 SWOT 分
析模型,研究提出 F 航空公司应当立足于自身地区性航空公司的战略定位,
竞争优势,提升企业核心竞争能力。本研究在建议 F 航空公司调整经营策略
的同时,还对 F 航空公司落实经营策略,控制经营风险提出了较为完善的建
关键词:经营策略;竞争优势;SWOT 分析;策略选择;策略实施
China airline services have been rapidly developing since Chinese economic
reform. Since 2005, China airline service has become the second large airline
operating regime, which brought new life to the airline industry. As governments
met to set the standards and scope for an emergent civil air industry, China has
taken a position of maximum operating freedom. During the 11th five -year plan,
our civil aviation successfully transitioned under Financial Crisis, taking the lead
to recover and having incremental revenue and improvement.
China domestic air travel has survived largely through state support,
whether in the form of equity or subsidies. The airline industry as a whole
becoming a deregulated market, increasing innovative aircraft manufacturing
technology, and more competitive low-cost carriers proliferation have been the
key factors of transforming civil aviation. China has seen incremental ai rlines
start up with Chinese domestic policies and local government support. This has
produced far greater competition than before deregulation in civil markets;
high-speed railway’s rapid growth has been vital impact to national air travel.
Along with higher growth of international airlines joining in, the competition
among Chinese airlines and International airlines proliferate. Opening up
international routes to further competition would be a comparative challenge
with higher standards. Partial of the development strategies cannot meet
requirement of current demands of the markets. Airline financing is quite
complex, since airlines are highly leveraged operations. Not only must they
purchase (or lease) new airliner bodies and engines regularly, they must make
major long-term fleet decisions with the goal of meeting the demands of their
markets while producing a fleet that is relatively economical to operate and
This research has summarized the current situation of domestic and foreign
airlines operating strategies, also detailed analyzed by political and theory points
of view as well as Macroeconomic environment and industry competency,
furthermore, which modeling Airline F in a consistently competitive market
environment with its briefing of historical records, current situation, existing
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