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Performance appraisal is an important topic in practice. In the modern
enterprise management, performance appraisal plays a more and more important
role. Since 2010, Daqing Oilfield co. LTD puts forward clear requirements to its
subordinate units about performance appraisal. It demands that they must set up and
strictly implement the comprehensive performance assessment, and distribute the
annual bonus according to the results of the appraisal.
In order to improve the performance evaluation system in No.3 oil production
company , this article briefly analyses the background and significance, summarizes
the research situation both at home and abroad. This paper concisely introduces the
performance appraisal status in No.3 oil production company and points out six
problems existing in the company performance evaluation system. For example,
incomplete coverage, unreasonable assessment index, irregular operation, single
application of the results , poor communication of evaluation and so on .Then this
paper analyzes the causes of the problem in five aspects such as the idea, enterprise
characteristic, the Chinese characteristics, mechanism, limitations of evaluation.
And this paper puts forward to a set of improved solutions and four safeguard
measures, which are based on the theory of performance appraisal and the
actual situation of the company. More specifically, this paper points out the
target and principle of performance appraisal, draws up the index optimization
scheme and the improvement of the employee performance evaluation system,
proposes some measures to adjust the assessment results, straightens out the
mechanism of bonus distribution linking up with the evaluation results. In the end,
this paper puts forward some measures to ensure the improved performance
evaluation system, that is, correct appraisal ideas, garnering full support of the main
leaderships, solving the relationships in the course of evaluation, perfecting the
related policies such as clarified duties, reasonable division of work, an effective
communication mechanism, Employee Assistance Program.
Keywords: oil production plant; performance appraisal; assessment aims;
supporting measures哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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目 录
摘 要..........I
ABSTRACT .......... II
第 1 章 绪 论 .....1
1.1 问题的提出....... 1
1.2 研究的目的及意义 ........ 2
1.2.1 研究的目的 ...... 2
1.2.2 研究的意义 ...... 2
1.3 国内外绩效考核研究现状及分析 .......... 3
1.3.1 国外绩效考核研究综述........... 3
1.3.2 国内绩效考核研究综述........... 4
1.3.3 对绩效考核研究成果的分析与评价 ... 5
1.4 论文研究的方法及论文结构 ..... 6
1.4.1 论文研究的方法 .......... 6
1.4.2 论文的结构及主要内容........... 6
第 2 章 三厂绩效考核现状..........8
2.1 三厂简介 .......... 8
2.1.1 三厂概况 .......... 8
2.1.2 三厂组织结构 .. 8
2.1.3 三厂人员结构 .. 9
2.2 三厂绩效考核现状 ........ 9
2.2.1 考核组织机构 .. 9
2.2.2 考核体系框架 .. 9
2.2.3 内部经营责任制考核10
2.2.4 季度过程考核12
2.3 三厂绩效考核存在的主要问题12
2.3.1 绩效考核体系覆盖面不全 ..... 12
2.3.2 关键业绩指标设计不尽合理 . 13
2.3.3 考核操作人情化 ........ 15
2.3.4 考核结果未得到充分应用 ..... 16
2.3.5 考核激励约束作用未得到充分发挥 . 17
2.3.6 考核沟通反馈不顺畅17哈尔滨工业大学工商管理硕士学位论文
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摘 要
点课题。2010 年以来,大庆油田有限责任公司(以下简称油田公司)多次明确
即:引导和树立正确的考核理念;争取厂主要领导的全力支持; 多措并举解决
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2.4 本章小结 ........ 17
第 3 章 三厂绩效考核问题原因分析 ....18
3.1 对绩效考核的认识存在误区 ... 18
3.1.1 把绩效考核与薪酬分配划等号 ......... 18
3.1.2 考核万能论与无用论并存 ..... 18
3.2 企业自身特点给绩效考核提出更高要求 ......... 19
3.2.1 多数业务难以量化评价......... 19
3.2.2 企业文化与考核理念不协调 . 19
3.3 传统文化特性决定绩效考核难以开展 . 20
3.3.1 不患寡而患不均 ........ 20
3.3.2 从不主动得罪人 ........ 20
3.4 相关配套机制不完善 .. 21
3.4.1 薪酬分配机制不完善21
3.4.2 职责分工有待进一步明确 ..... 21
3.5 绩效考核自身存在局限性 ....... 21
3.5.1 无法达成绝对公平 .... 21
3.5.2 客观公正性与准确全面性难以兼顾 . 21
3.5.3 绩效考核发挥的作用有限 ..... 22
3.6 本章小结 ........ 22
第 4 章 三厂绩效考核体系的改进方案设计.....23
4.1 明确绩效考核目标与原则 ....... 23
4.1.1 绩效考核目标23
4.1.2 绩效考核原则23
4.2 改进后的绩效考核体系框架 ... 24
4.3 具体改进方案设计 ...... 24
4.3.1 关键业绩指标体系优化设计方案 ..... 24
4.3.2 全员绩效考核深化设计方案 . 28
4.3.3 考核结果调整32
4.3.4 考核兑现机制的进一步完善 . 33
4.3.5 考核结果的综合运用34
4.4 本章小结 ........ 34
第 5 章 三厂绩效考核实施的保障措施.35
5.1 引导和树立正确的考核理念 ... 35
5.1.1 考核不是目的35