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华小学书香门第分校这一具体案例的剖析, 阐明该小学在品牌建设中的经验与
不足, 并由此管中窥豹探索总结民办小学在品牌建设过程中的思路。同时也对
教育培训欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的内部条件与外部环境进行了综合的分析和评估,用 SWOT 分析法
议, 以期对其品牌建设、可持续发展等方面产生有效的借鉴意义。
Since reform and opening , China's private higher education has made great
progress , is active in the higher education market, the new generation of power. It is
for the government to make up for lack of financial education , and promote the
process of popularization of higher education , to promote education reform, to meet
people and social needs , etc., have played a positive role . Today, China 's large-scale
expansion of private universities from content development to change , but they are in
the process of development still faces many difficulties and problems. Such as social
recognition of private universities is low , the market is competitive enough , have
seriously affected the development and expansion of private universities . The reason
is that private colleges are brand building deficiencies. Therefore, how to strengthen
brand building private colleges , private colleges and universities to improve the core
competitiveness of private colleges and universities to achieve leapfrog development ,
has become the private higher education sector and education providers urgent need
to address the real problem.
This article will penetrate into the company's brand philosophy field of
education, for the China branch elementary scholarly research situation , analyze ,
summarize and summary and analysis to the case , noting that China primary
scholarly campuses in the brand building process problems extract private
Universities brand building ideas. But also on the training industry 's external
environment and internal conditions of a comprehensive analysis and evaluation ,
with a SWOT analysis summarizes the private primary school will encounter external
opportunities, challenges and internal strengths , weaknesses, of private brand
development strategy for primary schools a systematic and in-depth research . Thus ,
systematically expounded private colleges brand building strategies and
recommendations to build on the brand as well as private colleges private universities
to provide reference for sustainable development .
Keywords: private education ; brand development strategy ; China Branch
Elementary School Scholars
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