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随着项目研发周期的缩短以及在研项目的不断增加,B 公司在汽车碰撞安全
至对市场销售产生负面影响。因此,B 公司亟需找到一套行之有效的方法来避免
本文采用流程管理的思想和管理学的研究方法,对 B 公司汽车碰撞安全开
决 B 公司碰撞安全部门在汽车碰撞开发流程中存在的问题,制定较为合理的产
通过改进后的碰撞安全模型在 V 项目中的效果评估,认为改进后的碰撞安
全开发模型可以有效解决使用原流程中出现的问题,不仅为 B 公司节省了大量
的研发费用和研发周期,还从根本上为 B 公司的汽车碰撞安全开发提供了一条
With the development of vehicle industry in china, vehicle quality and
performance are getting increasingly significant to consumers. A survey shows that
vehicle consumers are putting safety,brand and appearance as the top 3 important
considerations when they are purchasing a car and a portion of 42% of them deem that
safety is the most important factor. Vehicle makers are highly valuing safety
performance of their products as a response, however, in the meantime, vehicle
product developing period is cut down by the severe competition of the market.
Therefore, using process management method in vehicle safety performance
development is inevitable.
As the reducing of development cycle and rising amount of projects, issues from
vehicle safety development in B motor group are increasing significantly, which lead
to the increasing of cost and delaying of product delivery. Even worse, the issues
would account for negative influence on the market. Therefore, a new way is needed
in B motor group to resolve the issues.
The concepts of BMP and management methods were introduced in this study to
analyze the problems in safety development process in B motor group, and found the
root causes of these problems. A new process module also was built via improving the
original process. Finally, the new process module was implemented to a new project
to value its effect.
A conclusion was obtained by implement the new process module to V project:
the new process module can effectively resolve the problem in vehicle safety
development. It can not only reduce the cost and time in vehicle safety development,
but also offer a new method in vehicle safety development for B motor group.
Keywords: BMP, Vehicle Safety Performance, Performance Dvelopment
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