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主要根据 LC 炼化公司员工培训管理的现实状况,通过问卷调查与深度访谈所获
得的信息,调查了 LC 炼化公司员工培训管理的实际现象,并从中发现存在的问
题。我们从 LC 炼化公司的员工培训管理中发现了以下五个缺陷:培训需求的分
六缺乏培训文化。并在此研究分析的基础上,针对 LC 炼化公司提出了员工培训
管理的优化策略,即 LC 炼化公司必须调整人力资源战略和培训理念;认真分析
培训进程和培训效果;网络化培训的开发。最后,还提出了确保 LC 炼化公司员
关键词:LC 炼化;员工培训管理;优化策略;保障措施
The external environment is in changing with each passing day, which makes the
competition turn white-hot. It has upgraded to the core ability of competition, in the
same time, the talented person played the critical role on capability of establishment
competition. Firms for staff training are critical to the growth strategic of business.
The quality and level of the human resources has become the key to success, which
led to a huge demand of talent. Coporate talents are mostly from staff training, and
staff training has become a strategical factor in the impact of the coporate
development. Emphasis on the human resource management and development to get
sustaionable development, has become a highly respectalbe business philosophy. A
good training management system can effectively coordinate theory with pratice, and
theory and pactice promote each other to improve the corporate.
In this paper, Chinese and foreigner researched the human resource system and
staff training management current status all over the world are analyzed firstly, then
puts forward the major study technique which been utilized in the paper: the
document summarize method, case application method, questionnaire survey method,
and interviewing deeply method. And sum up the main points of this essay briefly.
Then,this paper expatiatory the staff training theoretical foundation, which consist of
employee training management definition, objective, coachwork, significance,
process and so on, and predicted the probable trend of employee training .
Key part of the text mainly based on LC REFINING AND CHEMICAL
COMPANY realities employee training management information through
questionnaires and interviews obtained to investigate the LC REFINING AND
CHEMICAL COMPANY staff training management real phenomena, and discover
the problems. We have found from LC REFINING AND CHEMICAL COMPANY
staff training in the management of the following five shortcomings: lack of
comprehensive training needs analysis of science, training object inaccurate, not rich
training content, training, insufficient investment budget, and training effectiveness
evaluation is not comprehensive. This paper analyzes the main reason is the following:
the impact of the first corporate strategy; secondly training pertinence, efficiency is
not high; thirdly training programs do not adjust and fix the times; the fourth
manpower sector training needs serious shortage of research tools; fifth lack ofeffective communication; the last lack of cultural training. Based and analyzed in this
study, we propose the LC REFINING AND CHEMICAL COMPANY optimization
strategies for employee training management. That is a long refining ideas must
develop scientific training, in-depth analysis of training needs, reasonable right choice
trainees, while focusing on the overall development of human resources, rich training
content, correct assessment of training outputs, training evaluation and training to
create a dynamic optimization promote the system of personnel training and
development system for innovation. Finally, the paper proposes the long-refining staff
training management strategies to optimize the smooth implementation of security
system. Its four key components: support, interests of employees, training, hardware
and software security, business leaders security.
Keywords: LC Refining and Chemical CO.; Staff Training Mangement;
Optimization strategy; Safeguards
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