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其次,对人力资本基本概念、人力资本的测量维度、胜任力模型、激励理论、X 理论、
Y 理论及 Z 理论、人力资本战略管理理论等进行了概述,在广泛阅读相关文献和调查
分析的基础上,分析了 GSYH 苏州分行人力资本管理现状、问题及成因。第三,论
文基于胜任力模型搭建 GSYH 苏州分行人力资本优化框架,从转变人力资本管理理
水平,达到企业与员工双赢,提高 GSYH 苏州分行整体经营能力。
关键词:GSYH 苏州分行;人力资本优化;胜任力;管理体系设计
作 者:胡盈
At the age of knowledge economy, the effects of human resources on economy
development become more and more significant. Effectively increase the output capacity
and form a high productivity, could lead to initiative on market competition.
At the beginning of the thesis, the study background and its significance and purpose,
study method, study thread and its framework are introduced.And then, the overviews are
conducted for human resource basic concept, measurement dimensionality, competency
model, motivation theory, X theory, Y theory, Z theory and human resource strategic
management. Based on reading a wide range of pertinent literature and survey, the status
quo, problem and reason of human resource management of GSYH Suzhou branch are
analysed.This thesis is to build the framework of human resource of GSYH Suzhou branch
on the basis of competency model. It is to optimize the human resource management
system design through 5 aspects, they are changing of human resource management
philosophy, building performance measurement indicates system, renovation on human
resource analysis system, perfecting human resource motivation system and improving
human resource training system. Through optimization of human resource management
and prompt the management standard, achieving the win-win of enterprise and employee,
further prompt the overall operation ability of GSYH Suzhou branch.
Keywords:GSYH Suzhou branch; Human resource optimization; Competency;
management system design
Writin by:Hu ying
Supervised by:Xu tao
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