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EAD 公司已经在数字电视欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司积累了十多年的经验,技术上一直走在同业竞争对
前景十分开阔,EAD 公司如想继续在本欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司继续经营发展,必须考虑能否利用自身优
法,对 EAD 公司的内外部环境和自身优劣势进行专业、深入的分析。而在分析过程中
将运用到 PEST 模型、波特五力模型、SWOT 分析工具等。本文以制定 EAD 公司产品
方面通过对 EAD 外部宏观环境进行分析,归纳出 EAD 公司目前遇到的威胁是:现有产
业升级革命,数字电视一体机是欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展的主体和趋势;另一方面通过对 EAD 公司内
部环境进行分析,归纳出 EAD 公司的优势是:具有丰富的数字电视欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司技术经验和客
且企业融资能力差,不适合开发前期投入过大的业务。最后在 EAD 公司内外部环境分
析的基础上,确定 EAD 公司将要开发数字电视一体机调谐器去适应现有市场的新需求,
施,完成 EAD 公司产品开发的战略的制定。
In the past decade, The digital TV set-top box industry has been rapid development with
the Chinese government to promote digital TV industry development, EAD company as the
supplier of the digital TV set-top box, sales has been a significant rise also. But in the last two
years, with the digital TV set-top box market saturation, the enterprises within the industry
sales decline in stride.What’s more,the TV set-top boxes as an intermediate product of the
transition from analog TV to digital TV, with the full input and output the digital signal in
TV,will gradually withdraw from the market. EAD company’s performance has been
saturated with the set-top box market to gradually decline these 2 years.Even more serious is
that EAD company currently only the digital TV set-top box tuner, if EAD company has not
any changes, then the company will be withdraw from the market with the set-top box.
EAD company has more than 10 years experience in the digital television industry, and
has been at the forefront of technology with industry competitors.EAD company has been
abundant customer resources.The digital television industry is experiencing a second wave of
upgrades revolution, there are many opportunities and businesses, EAD must consider how to
use its advantages to develop new products to meet the new needs of its existing
markets,which involves the product development strategy involves mentioned by Ansoff
Author will use modern enterprise strategic management theory and analysis tools,
combining with the actual situation of research methods, to analyze EAD company's internal
and external environment, the competitive environment and their own professional strengths
and weaknesses deeply.Author will applied to the PEST model, Porter's five forces model,
SWOT analysis tools during the analysis. The goals of the article is to formulate the EAD
company’s product development strategy, the main work as below.
Author world summarized the threats and opportunities of the EAD company by its
external environment analysis, the threat is that the decline in performance of existing
products, faced with the threat out of the market, while the opportunity is that digital
television industry is facing the second industrial revolution upgrade, integrated digital TV is
the development trend of the industry.Another hand author world summarize the advantages
and disadvantages of the EAD company by its internal environment analysis. EAD
company’s advantage is that the digital television industry has a wealth of experience and
customer resources, and the disadvantage is that as the existing product of the EAD companyIII
is too professional, there are not many types new product can be developed by using EAD
company’s own resources. Finally,base on the analysis of EAD company's external and
internal environment, EAD company will develop tuner for integrated digital TV to adapt to
the new demands of existing markets, and formulate methods of product development from R
& D, Production and Marketing, the final implementation of the strategy to develop
safeguards, so as to formulate the company's products EAD strategy development.
Keywords:Market penetration strategy; Product development strategy; Market positioning;
Strategic objectives; Strategy; Strategic safeguards
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