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Design of Grape Wine with AnnuaL YieLd of 1,000 Tons
Student majoring in Food Science and Engineering Qi Zhen
Tutor Zhang Jiacheng
Abstract:In recent years the grape wine presents the good deveLopment trend which is becoming the rising sunindustry of drinks fieLd .The design was primariLy for an annuaL output of 1,000 tons of grape wine in food production pLant design. Based on reLevant food Laws and reguLations, nationaL standards, the anaLysis of each process on the basis of materiaL baLance was determined. After the amount of raw materiaLs, water, eLectricity, gas consumption and choice of major equipment being caLcuLated, the pLant was designed and a preLiminary economicaL and technicaL were anaLyzed. Based on the compLetion of design specifications, the production fLow chart drawing, workshop pLans, workshop pLans three pipeLine pLans were drawed.
Keywords: Grape wine; PLant design; Workshop design; Production craft
Abstract… Ⅱ
1 项目概述 1
1.1酒庄概况 1
1.2葡萄酒的营养价值及医疗、保健作用 1
1.2.1 葡萄酒医疗功效 1
1.2.2葡萄酒的营养作用 1
1.2.3糖尿病患者饮酒注意事项 2
1.3葡萄酒的分类 2
1.3.1按酒的颜色深浅分类 2
1.3.2按含糖量多少分类 2
1.3.3按含不含二氧化碳分类 3
1.4 酿酒葡萄的品种及其特性 3
1.4.1酿造白葡萄酒的品种 3
1.4.2酿造红葡萄酒的品种 4
1.5酿酒葡萄的采收与装运 5
1.6葡萄酒酵母菌种的分类与培养 6
1.6.1葡萄酒酵母菌种的分类 6
1.6.2培养特征 6
1.7产品市场需求状况 6
1.8 我国葡萄酒工业的现状与发展 6
2.可行性研究 7
2.1 项目背景 7
2.2 设计范围 7
2.3厂址选择 7
2.3.1 原则 7
2.3.2 内容 8
2.4 方案的确定 9
2.4.1 产品方案的确定依据 9
2.4.2 工艺流程的制定 9
2.4.3工艺路线的选择 9
2.4.4 生产车间 10
2.4.5 产量要求 11
2.5 工艺流程 11
2.5.1葡萄酒工艺 11
2.5.2干白生产工艺流程图 15
2.5.3干红生产工艺流程图 16
2.6 酿酒设备的选用 17
2.6.1原料接收设备的选择 17
2.6.2压榨设备的选择 17
2.6.3发酵设备的选择 17
2.6.4贮藏设备的选择 18
2.6.5稳定处理设备的选择 18
2.6.6封装设备的选择 19
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