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Equipment maintenance is the key factor to the success of industrial
enterprises, especially for the capital intensive enterprises, with the
precondition that the overall commercial environment changes a lot, market
competition becomes more and more serious, to outsource the equipment
maintenance turn into a significant method to improve equipment
performance, reduce maintenance cost, disperse risk, transform business
model and acquire competitive advantages. While we find in practice that
quite a lot equipment maintenance outsourcing cases have not achieved
expected results due to lack of focus on the corporate culture construction, it
even makes somebody start to doubt whether equipment maintenance
outsourcing is a correct strategy.
This thesis bases on the classical corporate culture construction theories,
have a discussion on corporate culture’s concept, style and function,
sub-culture, construction of corporate culture spirit, system and behavior,
physical. For the sake of detailed and practical research on corporate culture
construction, the writer incorporated years of experience and lessons on
equipment maintenance outsourcing service business in the company A,
firstly make a brief introduction of company A as well as the equipment
maintenance outsourcing service business, then analyze the competitive
situation and customer’s needs, challenges of the equipment maintenance
outsourcing service business unit of company A, current corporate culture
construction status and the effects of the corporate culture construction,
conflict and synergy of equipment maintenance outsourcing service business
unit’s corporate culture and customers’ main culture. Based on these, put
forward the objective, approach and detailed methods of corporate culture
construction, bring forward detailed improving strategy on organization
leadership, organization structure adjustment, maintenance staff’s selection,
performance appraisal and motivation, work flow, communication
mechanism, new technology application and team learning, also emphasize
the execution power’s ensurence effect on the corporate culture construction
of the equipment maintenance outsourcing service business unit of company
It can be proved from the research of this thesis, equipment maintenance
outsourcing service supplier’s corporate culture construction has been the key
factor for the company’s business success, we must be guided by theories,
invest more energy and attention to the process of culture construction, push
the service suppliers and client companies synergize and cooperate
effectively through culture construction, improve service supplier’s core
competitive power continually, so as to realize continuable development.
KEY WORDS: Equipment Maintenance Outsourcing Service, Corporate
Culture, Corporate Culture Construction

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