工商管理 专业
研究生 代小霖 指导教师 罗元青
推动下,各地数字电视的建设也呈现出一片热火朝天的景象。截止 2009 年,中国
数字电视用户市场规模达到 8326 万户,预计到 2015 年,中国数字电视用户市场
规模达到 3.66 亿户左右。CS 公司所在的遂宁市提出 2014 年底,要全面完成全市
收有利资源,各地的数字电视业务发展迅猛。到 2005 年年底,全国已经分别杭州、
启动了城市用户的数字电视转换工作,并达到了 10 万户的规模,进入了一个稳定
本文从 CS 公司数字电视市场环境分析入手,分析 CS 公司的内外环境,包括竞争
因素进行研究,探讨在全新的数字时代数字电视业务的营销战略。运用 SOWT 分析,
对 CS 公司的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行了比较,然后对 CS 公司在数字电视业
务发展上的营销策略、组织架构、服务管理上存在的问题进行了分析,以帮助 CS
本文是运用营销战略相关理论分析了 CS 公司数字电视业务运营策略,通过对
CS 公司竞争战略的研究,利用成熟的理论找出比较可行的应对战略,为 CS 公司
作为船山文化产业重要内容的 CS 公司数字电视业务,也是打造智慧船山的
关键词: 数字电视业务 三网融合 营销战略四川师范大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT
The Marketing Strategy Research of Digital TV Business
in CS
Abstract:The digitalization of cable television constitutes not only an important
part of the informatization drive, but also a vital content for the cultural development
and cultural system reform of China. Driven by the technological progress, increasing
market demand and national policies, the development of digital TV is having a boom
across the country. By the end of 2009, the number of digital TV users in China has
amounted to 83.26 million, and this figure is expected to reach 366 million by the 2915.
In Suining city where the CS Company locates, the target of achieving full
digitalization of the cable TVs by the end of 2014 has been set.
Under the guidance of the existing industrial policies, the Chinese has drawn on
the advanced experience and made use of the favorable resources to develop digital TV,
creating a booming scenario in the digital TV business. By the end of 2005, while
cities like Hangzhou and Qingdao have took the lead in completing the upgrading of
the digital TV, Mianyang city of Sichuan province also started this program in an early
manner and had its user number reached one hundred thousand, marking a stable
growth of its digital TV users.
The broadcast television network is faced with both internal and external
difficulties during its transformation form monopoly operation to market-based
competition. This Paper first analyzes the digital TV market environment and the
internal and external environment of the CS Company, including the internal
mechanism and external competitors, and explores the marketing strategy for the
digital TV business in the new digital era by researching on the national policies, the
technological development of the digital TV and the market environment. Using the
SWOT analysis method, a comparative study on the strength, weakness, opportunities
and threats of the CS Company is carried out. The author then rolls out further study on
problems in the marketing strategy, organizational structure and service management,
so as to help the CS Company find proper marketing strategies, give full play to its
strength, overcome its weakness, seize the opportunities, avoid threats, cope with both
internal and external competitions, and ensure the stable development of the company.
This Paper adopts marketing strategy theories and analyzes the operational