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正是由于国内民众对 PX 项目的抵制,导致了近年来我国 PX 项目发展缓慢,现有
产能远远落后于下游大幅增长的需求,巨大的供应缺口都要依靠进口国外的 PX 来满
业安全的考量,中国需要发展自己的 PX 项目,它的存在和发展对于国计民生都有着
非常重要的意义。本文的研究从 2007 年的厦门、2011 年的大连和 2012 年的宁波三
起由 PX 项目引发的邻避冲突事件入手进行剖析,虽然 PX 产品本身的毒性并不强,项
针对目前 PX 项目在国内发展的困境,作者以上市公司 X 公司的现实处境为例,
探讨发展 PX 项目的合理性和有效途径。从企业的角度出发,应用危机管理和战略决
策等理论方法,结合国外 PX 项目发展的先进经验,为 PX 项目在中国的发展提出一些
对策和建议。想要发展 PX 项目,企业必须要在政府的帮助和指导下与民众建立畅通
才能促进民众对 PX 项目的接受和理解,最终达成一种企业、民众和政府之间的多赢
关键词: 对二甲苯;PX 事件;邻避冲突及对策
Today&39;s China become almost like a glass society, interest differentiation among
government, enterprise and public leaded to many similar crisis events occurred repeatedly
such as “Shifang”, “Qidong”, as well as PX in Xiamen, Dalian and Ningbo. Para-xylene
(PX) events, which caused several NIMBY conflicts, has been known to all intimately.
However, widespread attention and discussion in public have not helped PX rectify and
clear its reputation, what however strengthen the demonized image of PX in the eyes of the
public. From the developed southeast regions in China to the developing central and
western regions, any petrochemical projects which involved PX will be treated as fierce
opposition by public no matter it is in planning, or already under construction which get
approval from the government.
Since people are opposed to building the PX project, PX projects develop so slowly in
China, which cannot meet the high-speed increasing needs from downstream, huge supply
gap relies on import PX to replenish, which made overseas suppliers controlled PX pricing
power for a long time. No matter for the sake of economic development, or the
consideration of industry safety, China has to develop its own PX projects. The existence
and development of PX industry has rather important significance for Chinese economy
and people&39;s livelihood. This thesis analysis involved cases studies of 2007 Xiamen, 2011
Dalian and 2012 Ningbo three famous public emergency events caused by PX projects.
Those three NIMBY conflicts have common reasons, as well as characteristics of
independence. PX has not extreme toxicity, the risk of PX project is completely
controllable. While, nowadays people’s consciousness of environmental protection is
awakening, the enterprise ignored neither the communication with public nor the crisis
management. The government has not done functions in supervision and mediation. All
these led to a serious imbalance in interests among all parties, which is the main reason of
why NIMBY conflicts occurred frequently.
Aiming at dilemma of PX projects developing in China, a real case study of listedcompany X,
will be used to discuss its rationality and effective way to develop the PX
project. From the perspective of enterprise, theories of crisis management and strategic
management will be applied to combine with the overseas experience in the developing PX
project, to form countermeasures and suggestions to development of PX projects in China.
By the hand of government, enterprise must establish and maintain a smooth
communication channel with public, improve the hearing procedure of project planning, as
well as take the initiative to undertake the responsibility of eliminating misunderstanding,
education people, implement production safety management more strictly, strengthening
the management of public relations and crisis. Then people might accept and understand
PX projects, and form a multi-win situation among the government, enterprise and public.
Keyword: Praxylene; PX Events; NIMBY (NOT IN MY BACK YARD) Conflicts and
Countermeasure第 1 章 绪论
1.1 问题的提出
对国内大多数人来说,听到对二甲苯这个化学名词可能最早源于 2007 年的夏天。
就在厦门这个全国第一的宜居城市,在 6 月 1 日这个本该属于孩子们的欢乐节日,数
就笔者而言,从 2006 年开始就因为工作原因开始接触对二甲苯这个产品。对二
甲苯(Praxylene),简称 PX,属于石油炼制汽油中的副产物,低毒有致癌可能性,是
在中石化、中石油和中海油三大集团手中,PX 作为一个副产品并没有获得足够的重
视,国内的消费有一半以上长期依靠进口。在 2000 年以后,随着中国成为全世界的
纺织品生产中心,化学纤维的生产和消费更是与日俱增,对 PX 的需求更是以超过 20%
以上的高速不断增长。据海关统计,2012 年全年的 PX 进口量已经超过了 628 万吨,
需求的强劲和供给的不足导致了 PX 丰厚的生产利润,不仅原有的生产装置纷纷开足
马力生产,更多新的 PX 项目的投资建设也正在如火如荼地展开。然而,就在亚洲其
他国家的企业加速投资 PX 项目之时,我们国内的 PX 项目却走进了民众“谈 PX 色变”
都在发展 PX 项目的过程中遭遇了来自民间的层层阻力,甚至是群体性的冲突事件来
抵制 PX 项目的建设。最终,我们看到的结果是政府丧失了信誉,企业丧失了发展机
和宁波三次 PX 事件中的共性与特性,从不同利益群体的角度剖析冲突的形成原因,
找出民间反对 PX 项目的根本原因并寻求化解之道,为今后在实践中避免类似事件的
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