河北 TH 酒店文化建设研究
Study on cultural construction
of Hebei TH Hotel
专 业: 工商管理
作者姓名: 苗洪涛
指导教师: 张再生教授
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我国现代酒店业真正起步于改革开放之初,经过 30 年的发展无论是在规模
入,甚至还存在着各种误区。位于石家庄市的河北 TH 酒店作为一家历史悠久、
规模档次都比较高的本土酒店,具有研究酒店文化建设的代表性,论文即以 TH
括总体思路、指导原则、步骤方法等内容的构建 TH 酒店新的文化体系、推进酒
关键词:TH 酒店;文化建设;研究ABSTRACT
The hotel industry originates in the beginning of reform and opening up in China.
During recent 30 years, the hotel industry of our country has obtained considerable
development whether in size or number. Particularly alone with the deepening reform
and rapid development of economy, investment and business environment in the hotel
industry has been greatly improved. There are so many hotel management groups
investing in the hotel of china who are internationally renowned. The competitive
situation of the hotel industry is also becoming more intense and the form of
competition is escalating.
The local hotel industry has made great achievements, but the development and
the cultural construction is not good enough. Many hotel management groups has not
understood the situation of cultural construction in the hotel. And even there are
various misunderstanding in the development of the cultural construction. Hebei TH
Hotel, located in Shijiazhuang, is an old and large hotel with a representative of the
cultural construction of research hotel. A Case Study of TH Hotel, the authors use the
theory of corporate culture construction in the paper. He showed a comprehensive
analysis of the status of the hotel and cultural construction and pointed out the
practical problems of the existing hotel building of enterprise culture. Through the
further judgment on this basis, the author put forward the general idea of the paper,
the guiding principles, steps and methods. Based on the above content authors build a
new cultural system of the TH Hotels, promote the implementation of the program of
hotel style building.
Through the systematic study of the cultural construction of the specific hotel,
the author highlights the far reaching significance of the cultural construction in
contemporary China hotel industry. Then he explores the construction and
implementation of hotel culture. At last, he put forward the proposition of the hotel
building science, open corporate culture construction of the theoretical system. The
purpose of the paper is to provide practical guidance for the TH Hotels in carrying out
cultural building and practical suggestions for the cultural construction of
contemporary China's hotel industry.
Key words: TH hotel, cultural construction, study目 录
第一章 绪 论 ....1
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义...1
1.1.1 研究背景.1
1.1.2 研究意义和目的1
1.2 课题研究的方法...2
1.3 课题研究的主要内容和创新点...3
第二章 企业文化建设及相关理论 .....4
2.1 企业文化的涵义...4
2.2 企业文化相关理论......5
2.2.1 企业文化的要素5
2.2.2 企业文化的内容5
2.2.3 企业文化的层次6
2.2.4 企业文化的类型7
2.2.5 企业文化建设的评价....8
2.3 酒店及酒店企业文化12
2.3.1 酒店的定义......12
2.3.2 酒店企业文化的涵义..13
2.3.3 酒店企业文化的主要内容......14
2.3.4 酒店企业文化的特征..16
2.3.5 酒店企业文化的作用..17
第三章 河北 TH 酒店企业文化建设概况及分析....19
3.1 河北 TH 酒店概况 ....19
3.1.1 河北 TH 酒店概况 ......19
3.1.2 TH 酒店作为中国酒店企业文化建设研究标本的代表性 ....19
3.2 河北 TH 酒店文化建设的总体状况 20
3.2.1 河北 TH 酒店文化建设的历程 ...20
3.2.2 河北 TH 酒店精神文化 ...21
3.2.3 河北 TH 酒店制度文化 ...22
3.2.4 河北 TH 酒店物质文化 ...23
3.3 河北 TH 酒店文化建设分析 24
3.3.1 TH 酒店文化建设的类型分析 25
3.3.2 TH 酒店企业文化建设中存在的突出问题 ....26
3.3.3 基于企业文化建设的 TH 酒店 SWOT 分析.27第四章 河北 TH 酒店企业文化建设的对策29
4.1 整合创建新的酒店文化体系29
4.1.1 梳理既有的文化体系和框架..29
4.1.2 构建系统的文化竞争模式......30
4.2 推进酒店文化制度化31
4.2.1 构建对应的制度体系..32
4.2.2 突出激励,促进文化的制度化...33
4.3 确定酒店文化建设实施方案34
4.3.1 TH 酒店文化建设总体思路 ....34
4.3.2 TH 酒店文化建设的主要原则 35
4.3.3 TH 酒店文化建设的主要步骤 37
4.3.4 TH 酒店文化建设的主要推进方法 ....40
第五章 结 论 ..42
参考文献 ..43
致 谢 .45第一章 绪论