Jin Mao Chong Ming Island Golf Resort
Chong Ming Island, China | 31 March 2009 | Master Planning
no. 091016
崇明島, 中国 | 2009年3月31日 | 总体规划
Jin Mao Chong Ming Island Golf Resort金茂崇明島高尔夫度假村
2009年3月31日|总体规划 31 March 2009 |Master Planning
T0-02项目描述PrOjECT DESCriPTiON
A0-01空中鸟瞰图AEriAL PErSPECTivE
A0-02酒店透视渲染图HOTEL PErSPECTivE
A0-03别墅透视渲染图viLLA PErSPECTivE
A0-04公寓透视渲染图APArTmENT PErSPECTivE
A1-00项目区位图PrOjECT LOCATiON
A1-01总用地平面图SiTE PLAN
A1-01B总用地平面图(选项)SiTE PLAN ALTErNATivE
A1-02交通流线分析图CirCULATiON DiAgrAm
A1-03用地剖面图SiTE SECTiON
A1-04可持续发展策略之一(英文)SUSTAiNABLE STrATEgiES-1 (ENgLiSH)
A1-05可持续发展策略之二(英文)SUSTAiNABLE STrATEgiES-2 (ENgLiSH)
A1-06可持续发展策略之三(英文)SUSTAiNABLE STrATEgiES-3 (ENgLiSH)
A1-07可持续发展策略之一(中文)SUSTAiNABLE STrATEgiES-1 (CHiNESE)
A1-08可持续发展策略之二(中文)SUSTAiNABLE STrATEgiES-2 (CHiNESE)
A1-09可持续发展策略之三(中文)SUSTAiNABLE STrATEgiES-3 (CHiNESE)
A2-01酒店首层平面--泳池HOTEL LEvEL 1 PLAN - POOL
A2-02酒店二层平面--客房HOTEL LEvEL 2 PLAN - gUESTrOOmS
A2-03酒店三层平面--大堂,水疗,宴会厅HOTEL LEvEL 3 PLAN - LOBBY, SPA, BANQUET HALL
A2-06酒店六层平面--客房,总统套房HOTEL LEvEL 6 PLAN - gUESTrOOmS PrESiDENTiAL SUiTE
A2-08酒店屋顶平面HOTEL rOOF PLAN
A3-02高尔夫会所首层平面--大堂gOLF CLUB HOUSE LEvEL 1 PLAN-LOBBY
A3-03高尔夫会所二层平面gOLF CLUB HOUSE LEvEL 2 PLAN
A4-01500平米别墅平面500 Sm viLLA PLANS
A4-02270平米别墅平面270 Sm viLLA PLANS
A5-01服务公寓车库及首层平面SErviCE APArTmENT PArkiNg AND PODiUm LEvEL PLANS
A5-02 服务公寓标准层平面SErviCE APArTmENT TYPiCAL LEvELv PLAN
A6-0190平米公寓车库及首层平面90 Sm APArTmENT PArkiNg AND PODiUm LEvEL PLANS
A6-0290平米公寓标准层平面90 Sm APArTmENT TYPiCAL LEvEL PLANS
A6-03180平米公寓标准层平面(选项)180Sm APArTmENT TYPiCAL LEvEL PLANS (OPTiONAL)
A7-01风格图片imAgE BOArD
A7-02风格图片imAgE BOArD
A8-01设计过程DESigN PrOCESS
Jin Mao Chong Ming Island Golf Resort金茂崇明島高尔夫度假村
2009年3月31日|总体规划 31 March 2009 |Master Planning
The Jin Mao Chong Ming Island Golf Resort will be
an exciting addition to the Chong ming island
master Plan by showcasing a world class Five-star
resort that sets a high standard for this recreational
development.The resort also will include a golf
clubhouse and both multi-family and single family
residential villas designed in the same style as the
hotel.A genuine respect for this unique riverfront
ecological site is paramount to the project’s design
and will be evident from the frst to last impression.
This imprinted memory for visitors and residents
alike expands the reputation, increasing the
development’s return on investment.
in accordance with both the Owner’s and
government planning requirements, the project will
pursue sustainable design strategies including LEED
standards.This sets the tone of the project’s respect
for the land and environment and permeates
throughout the look and feel of the development.
it will also be evident to the buyers of the villas and
hotel guests that the arrangement of the project’s
various components and the golf course has been
carefully considered and that they act as a whole
- that for this project the whole is greater than the
sum of its parts.This special attention to integrate the
layout of the buildings, their functions, and the golf
course will magnify the visual experience, increasing
the potential for lasting memories.
Arrival Experience and Hotel
Arriving from the East along Lan Hai road, the Villas
frst come into view and set the tone of luxury and
distinctiveness.Quickly thereafter, the large entrance
with its landscape teaming with abundance, gives
way to view a grand hotel at the end of a winding
entry drive where the motor court Porte-Cochere
and hotel Lobby are approximately seven meters
above Lan Hai road.We understand this road is set
at about fve meter Elevation.
Unbeknown to the guests the hill and motor court,
which also serves as the entrance to the Conference
Center and Spa, conceals the B.O.H. area below
with a discreet Service Drive hidden from view.What
will be most evident to the guests is the spectacular
panorama the Lobby view provides to showcase
the property, the golf course, the Yangtze river, the
rising and setting Sun and downtown Shanghai’s
skyline in the distance to the Southwest.Straight on
axis with the Lobby is the golf course’s Eighteenth
green, an island in a large lake with wetland grasses
and waterfalls.The golf Clubhouse is to the left of
the Eighteenth green and although free standing,
it anchors the end of the East guest Wing.To the
guest’s delight they will be informed that all hotel
rooms share this spectacular view, either partial or
with full expanse.
The 300 room Hotel has a gFA of 30,000 square meters
(sm) and pending a market study has the hotel rooms
set at 48 sm each with hotel amenities including a
Three-meal restaurant, Chinese restaurant, small
specialty restaurant, Lobby Lounge, destination
bar, Spa and Fitness, indoor Swimming Pool, Foot
massage and Conference Center.
Clubhouse and Residential
The main Entry on Lan Hai road also serves as the
entrance for the two story plus Basement 5,000sm
Clubhouse, in clear view from the Entry at the end
of a landscaped green-belt entry drive; the two story
plus Basement ffty one (51) single family Villas to
the left East side; and, the approximately ninety-four
(94) for-sale Condominiums and approximately one
hundred four (104) Serviced Apartments buildings to
the far right West end of the property in buildings four
to six stories tall.
At the East and West property boundaries there are
secondary entrance/exit drives for the daily use of
the villas and multi-family residential.
All Villas face south as does their largest yard space.
The twelve largest villas range from 500-600 sm and
are on the Southern property line with great golf
course views.The remaining villas range from 200-
300 sm each.The villas and roadway system align
with pedestrian green belts running East/West.A
central North/South green belt is on axis with one of
the golf course green’s.The total gFA for the villas
and for-sale Condominiums is 27,000 sm.
The for-sale Apartments are placed on the South
property line for best Southern exposure as well as
great golf course and river views.A central axis
recreation space includes a swimming pool and
landscape deck over a Basement parking garage.
The central axis recreation space terminates
at the Southern boundary with an infnity edge
swimming pool and waterfall.The waterfall also
serves as a backdrop to one of the golf course
greens, surrounded by the lake on three sides.
Per the government requirements, the total area
of residential units, which are no more than 90 sm
each, are at least forty-percent (40%) of the for-sale
Apartments total area.There are optional layouts for
180 sm units.
The Serviced Apartments are placed in the Northwest
corner of the property and have a landscaped
recreation deck above a Basement parking garage.
Pending the verifcation of a marketing survey, the
Serviced Apartments currently range in size from 107-
143 sm per unit and total 17,000 sm gFA.
Architectural Style
The architectural style is inspired from an American
tradition created by architect Frank Lloyd Wright.He
purposely created this organic architecture style to
break from